freedomofpress / fingerprint-securedrop

A machine learning data analysis pipeline for analyzing website fingerprinting attacks and defenses.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Tables + schemas modifications (w/in constraints) should be deployable w/ Ansible, and preserve data #39

Closed psivesely closed 7 years ago

psivesely commented 8 years ago

Say we want to add another column to the crawls table--some new metadata item. Under the existing architecture, I'm not quite sure what would happen if we simply change the create_table_crawls.sql file and re-provision. Ideally, we'd be able to make changes that don't break database logic (e.g., removing the fk column from frontpage_examples, which rows in hs_history use to tie themselves to particular crawler runs) w/o the need either for manual intervention or the fear of data loss.