freedomofpress / securedrop

GitHub repository for the SecureDrop whistleblower platform. Do not submit tips here!
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Use APT over HTTPS whenever possible #3286

Open eloquence opened 6 years ago

eloquence commented 6 years ago

Originally filed by @emkll in our infrastructure repo on 2017-11-13:

Using TLS for APT would increase the difficulty of man-in-the-middle attacks at install/update time such as:

The following APT repos are used by SecureDrop:

* currently does not support HTTPS, but some mirrors do [0]. does, but it will soon be mirrored by


legoktm commented 6 years ago

If there are attacks/threats that HTTPS+APT mitigates, it would be nice to document them as counterpoints to

I don't exactly understand the concerns mentioned in the ticket, but I also don't know the full threat model that secure drop is protecting against. I would be a bit concerned if a failed signature verification is ever treated as a silent failure though.

emkll commented 6 years ago

Thanks for chiming in @legoktm ! This ticket was initially created after we've uncovered an install-time vulnerability in SecureDrop due to packages signatures not being validated (see

While minor, I think that there would be incremental improvements to using HTTPS, but mostly defense-in-depth as stated by the link you mention:

legoktm commented 1 year ago

4 years later, yeah, we should definitely switch to downloading fetching apt sources and packages over HTTPS. Specifically CVE-2019-3462 (writeup: would've been stopped by using HTTPS. There are older MITM bugs in apt too, that's just the most recent one.

It's disappointing that Ubuntu still doesn't offer HTTPS on their official mirrors (Debian does). My suggestion would be to pick a mirror from an org that we already trust, like, (in order of my personal trust, I would then go for Wikimedia, then OSUOSL) and use that.

Assuming apt's gpg verification works correctly, then a mirror can't push malicious packages on us since it still needs to be signed by the Ubuntu keyring.

A hostile mirror could:

If our preferred mirror went rogue, we would still be able to deploy updates via securedrop-config/ to swap to a different mirror.

Alternatively we could host our own mirror. Technically it's straightforward, it just has high storage requirements (1.5TB of space, see that will keep growing, plus the bandwidth costs. (And because it's public on the internet, there wouldn't be a straightforward way to lock it down so only SecureDrops can use it.)