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UX Polish: "Show Codename" widget behavior on Submit page #5239

Open ninavizz opened 4 years ago

ninavizz commented 4 years ago


The recent change to re-position the "Show Codename" widget on the Submit page, was a terrific improvement.

A behavioral particular with it that I just noticed, however, is that the scrollto piece feels jarring; and with the top-most portion of the Tor browser also sharing the same grey as the codename widget's background, usability is impaired.

scrollto is a great functional asset, when needing to bring an area of a page into focus that is dozens to hundreds of pixels away. When implemented well, it will scroll to a div that positions the targeted content in the path of a user's vision—which is typically near where they clicked to bring the content into view, when initiating the interaction.

TL;DR, for this issue—with the widget already being at the top—I'd prefer to simply nix that part of the functionality. I don't feel it is necessary in this context. The widget should simply "open" down.

User Stories

As a Source desiring to be reminded of what my codename is, I want to be able to click on "Show" and have my codename revealed in the existing gray-patch on the screen. When the gray patch moves-up to meld in with the Tor browser chrome, the little black letterforms are lost and I become confused.

Video for demonstration:

prateekj117 commented 4 years ago

@ninavizz @kushaldas I would like to work on this.