Attempting to do volume mounting in production is proving... annoying.. Ended up adding a default high value group-id/user-id for the gcorn user in the prod container. This way in production we can add a parallel user to the host for seamless volume mounting permissions.
In order to run prod local again if you already have named volumes, you can first delete the named volumes you have by running the following command: docker-compose -f ci-docker-compose.yaml down -v
also saw in prod that we were showing weird artifacts of dl_logger type because a lack of propogation support that we had in other repos... so I updated the pip dependency and added a testinfra test
Attempting to do volume mounting in production is proving... annoying.. Ended up adding a default high value group-id/user-id for the
user in the prod container. This way in production we can add a parallel user to the host for seamless volume mounting permissions.In order to run prod local again if you already have named volumes, you can first delete the named volumes you have by running the following command:
docker-compose -f ci-docker-compose.yaml down -v