freedoom / freedoom

Freedoom is an entirely free software game based on the Doom engine.
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Some suggestions for episode 1 #979

Closed nful2 closed 1 year ago

nful2 commented 1 year ago - for suggestions, See the text file in the zip. The images are according to the numbers in the text file. Some skipped numbers are videos:


(22) e1m1 jumping from lift -, e1m1 lowering shotgun -

mc776 commented 1 year ago

Yeah no.

Trimming the gameplay elements down to absolute bare necessities = shitty, forgettable map.

And the secret sound is based on your sourceport, vanilla doesn't even tell you when you've found a secret.

EDIT: Looking at more of this after the rather unfortunate first impression from the E1M1 thing and the multi-download multi-github-bot-alert on a Monday morning with a zip file of brand new non-critical suggestions while we're all trying to get ready for a stable... will post more responses later.

mc776 commented 1 year ago

LFS = Lines flagged to prevent discovery of secret using automap. SFG = See first comment on this github issue. DM = This is for deathmatch. :( = Well that's just your opinion, man!

e1m9 1 . They seem more a hazard for the player than the monsters, though you could also use them against anything chasing you through from the other side of the lift. They're valid.

  1. LFS


  1. SFG
  2. Things are really hectic in the surrounding areas and that break is good.


  1. :( Could be couches, could be leftover masonry. Do we have any word from the person who originally designed this area? 6. The map overall does seem to have these weirdly empty spaces that might be reconsidered. I do not believe any major change should be implemented until after release.
  2. Please no more unopenable doors ffs. 8-9. There are levels after this one.


  1. SFG
  2. Are you actually having trouble seeing those stairs? (Not insulting, genuine question - I recently made an edit to E2M4 precisely because I kept running past the stairs out of an area) If not then there's no reason to expect the player to skip them.
  3. Reundant armour isnt' much worse than redundant health. 🤷
  4. There are levels after this one. 14. That does look odd. Lines 181 etc. should be unflagged - 2255 etc. together with 483 should be able to keep the next wave from advancing prematurely.
  5. LFS


  1. SFG
  2. SFG
  3. DM

e1m8 19. Exit torch should be there at all skills or none. However, it does appear already flagged as present for medium for me???


  1. SFG
  2. Honestly a big powerup that early feels really out of place. But it does serve a gameplay purpose in freeing up all encounters for the first map of the first episode of the first phase on the easiest skill level - basically the most tutorial of tutorial modes - so the player doesn't die just from what a more experienced player would appreciate as just a clever ambush. Best to leave it as it is.
  3. SFG
  4. In other skill levels it's a stimpack which may or may not be picked up. It's obvious enough that it shouldn't warrant a secret flag.


  1. :(

  2. Not IWAD issue, sound provided by sourceport.

mc776 commented 1 year ago

Re: point 19, should that torch even be there? How do you get up there to light it? How does the pad receive anything without destroying it? What's it even for? Is this some kind of reference or backstory I'm missing?

nful2 commented 1 year ago

Just realized I am sort of 'minimalist'. Will look from different perspectives before suggesting anything in future.

nful2 commented 1 year ago

@mc776 should I avoid zip files?

Xindage commented 1 year ago

gonna comment some stuffs 18 - Intended, down there is a deathmatch arena, they're separated from the main map. (vanilla doom deathmatch requires exit if they're not in the same area as the coop area, because the old deathmatch wont end after some get x amount of frags) 25 - same as mcc comented, vanilla doom dont have secret reveal noise. its from sourceport. about e1m1 i fell the same way as you, i think e1m1 is way too complex for starting level, but i'm not in care of episode 1 to do anything about it.