freeflowuniverse / crystallib

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fix/check TFGrid client in Crystal #438

Open despiegk opened 1 month ago

despiegk commented 1 month ago

config mgmt class

get the examples for deploy to work in V

example in wrong location


renauter commented 1 month ago

When I checkout crystallib repo and try to run some examples I always get errors related to module importation. I don't get why most import are done like this


Since the root directory of a V project is defined by the presence of the v.mod file, which in our case is crystallib/crystallib, all imports should be done relatively to this point.

In V, every file is a module. The module name is the same as the file name, minus the .v extension. To import a module in V, you use the import keyword followed by the module name. The module name is the same as the directory path where the module file is located, relative to the root of your project.

With these considerations crystallib/examples directory should be crystallib/crystallib/examples unless I miss something and the dev env should be configured differently (?)

Edit: The dev env need to respect specific configuration defined here ( to be able to run examples without import error.

mkdir -p ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse
cd ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse
git clone
cd crystallib
renauter commented 1 month ago

About fixing ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse/crystallib/examples/tfgrid/grid/examples/vm_high_level/deploy_vm_high_level.v

After running:

cd crystallib
v -enable-globals run examples/tfgrid/grid/examples/vm_high_level/deploy_vm_high_level.v

There were some errors, I made some changes (branch: and was able to deploy VM on node 129 devnet:

I will have a look to other examples...

renauter commented 1 month ago

About griddriver It is the go component that enables to make calls to tfchain from tfgrid V client via TFPluginClient. An installer is already available here

Example of flow is:

  1. deploy_single_vm() (crystallib):
  2. griddriver cli (web3gw):
  3. TFPluginClient (web3gw):
  4. TFPluginClient (tfgrid-sdk-go):
  5. deployers (tfgrid-sdk-go):
renauter commented 1 month ago

First version of griddriver installer was made here:

Maybe found some V issue by running following .vsh script:

#!/usr/bin/env -S v -w -enable-globals run

import freeflowuniverse.crystallib.installers.tfgrid.griddriver as griddriverinstaller

mut reset:=true

See issue here:


Solved by running:

sudo chmod 1777 /tmp/execscripts 
renauter commented 1 month ago

Fixing examples in ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse/crystallib/examples/tfgrid/grid/:

renauter commented 4 weeks ago

On tfgrid V client I have this error could not verify signature when calling the griddriver with the rmb option Most above examples are not running because of this.

Seems it goes through web3gw repo

And finally to rmb-sdk-go repo and failed here

Here is an example of a raw command that returns the error:

griddriver rmb --cmd 'zos.system.version' --dst '22' --payload '""' --substrate 'wss://' --mnemonics 'xxx' --relay 'wss://'

Should be specific to rmb client because griddriver deploy-single option, which uses, still works.

After discussing with team it seems that griddriver is outdated and should follow the changes in rmb-sdk-go repo.

Versions in griddriver are: v0.11.2 v0.11.2

Should be changed to last v0.15.10 and update code.

renauter commented 3 weeks ago

Worked on PR to update the griddriver. Once merged and griddriver re-installed the examples should work again.

despiegk commented 3 weeks ago

make sure there is a builder for the driver or at least instrucitons,

renauter commented 3 weeks ago

Also reviewing and adjusting the grid-proxy examples

renauter commented 3 weeks ago

Here is a list of the updated examples in ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse/crystallib:

Using griddriver



Using gridproxy


Find nodes