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loading sites is broken after crystaltools update #227

Open abom opened 3 years ago

abom commented 3 years ago

Using latest version of crystaltools:

First, running with a local redis server already running:

➜  publishingtools git:(development) ✗ ./bin/tfweb -c config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml                                                            
 - crystaltools              : core redis does not exist yet                                                                                         
[2020-09-14 11:25:52 #8227]    INFO -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: Starting server from config at config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml             
[2020-09-14 11:25:52 #8227]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite tftech, please check the config -- Redis::
CannotConnectError: Socket::ConnectError: connect: No such file or directory                                                                         
[2020-09-14 11:25:52 #8227]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite vonsubblog, please check the config -- Red
is::CannotConnectError: Socket::ConnectError: connect: No such file or directory                                                                     
[2020-09-14 11:25:52 #8227]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite crystaltwin, please check the config -- Re
dis::CannotConnectError: Socket::ConnectError: connect: No such file or directory                                                                    
[development] Kemal is ready to lead at                                                                                          
^CKemal is going to take a rest!

Killing redis and running tfweb again, it works, but for new repo (tftech here), it shows a messagepack error:

➜  publishingtools git:(development) ✗ pkill redis-server                                                                                            
➜  publishingtools git:(development) ✗ ./bin/tfweb -c config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml                                                            
 - crystaltools              : core redis does not exist yet                                                                                         
[2020-09-14 11:26:03 #8278]    INFO -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: Starting server from config at config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml             
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -scan filesystem @/home/abom/code_production                                                                 
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -load /home/abom/code_production/github/Incubaid/www_incubaid                                                
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -scan filesystem @/home/abom/code_production                                                                 
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -load /home/abom/code_production/github/Incubaid/www_incubaid
[2020-09-14 11:26:19 #8278]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite tftech, please check the config -- Message
Pack::TypeCastError: Unexpected token IntT(71) expected HashT at 0
[development] Kemal is ready to lead at
^CKemal is going to take a rest!

Then after restarting tfweb:

➜  publishingtools git:(development) ✗ ./bin/tfweb -c config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml
[2020-09-14 11:33:07 #9525]    INFO -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: Starting server from config at config/minimalwebsitesandwikis.toml
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -load from cache @/home/abom/code_testing
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -load from cache @/home/abom/code_production
 - crystaltools              : GITREPOS -load from cache @/home/abom/code_production
[2020-09-14 11:33:07 #9525]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite crystaltwin, please check the config -- Me
ssagePack::TypeCastError: Unexpected token IntT(71) expected HashT at 0
[2020-09-14 11:33:07 #9525]    INFO -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: wiki/website/datasite vonsubblog is ready
[2020-09-14 11:33:07 #9525]   ERROR -- ./bin/tfweb:tf_web.web_server: could not load wiki/website/datasite tftech, please check the config -- Message
Pack::TypeCastError: Unexpected token IntT(71) expected HashT at 0
[development] Kemal is ready to lead at
^CKemal is going to take a rest!