Note: mono_array_addr_with_size and mono_array_length: uintptr_t is currently implemented as uint32_t. This smaller type was chosen for maximum compatibility and due to native function definition limitations. (It is of sufficient size for most scenarios.)
Adds the following Mono API native function definitions:
char* mono_array_addr_with_size (MonoArray *array, int size, uintptr_t idx)
uintptr_t mono_array_length (MonoArray *array)
MonoAssembly* mono_assembly_load_with_partial_name (const char *name, MonoImageOpenStatus *status)
gpointer mono_aot_get_method (MonoDomain *domain, MonoMethod *method, MonoError *error)
MonoType* mono_field_get_type (MonoClassField *field)
void mono_field_get_value (MonoObject *obj, MonoClassField *field, void *value)
: uintptr_t is currently implemented as uint32_t. This smaller type was chosen for maximum compatibility and due to native function definition limitations. (It is of sufficient size for most scenarios.)