I have installed the ansible collection 0.3.5 and set the following ansible variable to 'yes': ipaclient_use_otp. I am trying to run the iparelipca role on the replica. Installation of the master (on the master, of course) went great.
In roles/ipaclient/tasks/install.yml:
- name: Install - Get One-Time Password for client enrollment
no_log: yes
state: present
principal: "{{ ipaadmin_principal | default(omit) }}"
password: "{{ ipaadmin_password | default(omit) }}"
keytab: "{{ ipaadmin_keytab | default(omit) }}"
fqdn: "{{ result_ipaclient_test.hostname }}"
lifetime: "{{ ipaclient_lifetime | default(omit) }}"
random: True
register: result_ipaclient_get_otp
# If the host is already enrolled, this command will exit on error
# The error can be ignored
failed_when: result_ipaclient_get_otp is failed and
"Password cannot be set on enrolled host" not
in result_ipaclient_get_otp.msg
delegate_to: "{{ result_ipaclient_test.servers[0] }}"
ignore_errors: yes
However, plugins/modules/ipaclient_get_otp.py has the following signature for the module:
Unless I am missing something, there is no way this can succeed since we are passing in password, keytab, and lifetime which aren't supported by the module. The exact error I get is: (I have substituted my hostname for my-host.local, but I am using a 'real' FQDN)
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install IPA client] *********************************************************
included: /home/justchris1/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/freeipa/ansible_freeipa/roles/ipaclient/tasks/install.yml for my-host.local
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Ensure that IPA client packages are installed] ********************
ok: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Set ipaclient_servers] ********************************************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Set ipaclient_servers from cluster inventory] *********************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Check that either principal or keytab is set] *********************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Set default principal if no keytab is given] **********************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - IPA client test] **************************************************
ok: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Cleanup leftover ccache] ******************************************
ok: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Configure NTP] ****************************************************
changed: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Make sure One-Time Password is enabled if it's already defined] ***
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Disable One-Time Password for on_master] **************************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Test if IPA client has working krb5.keytab] ***********************
ok: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Disable One-Time Password for client with working krb5.keytab] ****
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Keytab or password is required for getting otp] *******************
skipping: [my-host.local]
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Get One-Time Password for client enrollment] **********************
fatal: [my-host.local -> apple.0a.org]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}
TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - Report error for OTP generation] **********************************
fatal: [my-host.local]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient_get_otp) module: password Supported parameters include: ccache, certificates, fqdn, ipaddress, principal, random, sshpubkey, state"
PR https://github.com/freeipa/ansible-freeipa/pull/987 is changing the code for OTP. The action plugin is removed and the OTP is generated on the first entry in the server list returned by ipaclient_test.
I have installed the ansible collection 0.3.5 and set the following ansible variable to 'yes':
. I am trying to run the iparelipca role on the replica. Installation of the master (on the master, of course) went great.In roles/ipaclient/tasks/install.yml:
However, plugins/modules/ipaclient_get_otp.py has the following signature for the module:
Unless I am missing something, there is no way this can succeed since we are passing in password, keytab, and lifetime which aren't supported by the module. The exact error I get is: (I have substituted my hostname for my-host.local, but I am using a 'real' FQDN)