freeipa / freeipa-operator

EXPERIMENTAL kubernetes operator for FreeIPA
31 stars 5 forks source link

How to use the feeipa-operator on a managed kubernetes cluster #57

Open bioinfornatics opened 2 years ago

bioinfornatics commented 2 years ago

Dear team, Firstly thanks for your amazing works. I am looking for a solution to get freeipa inside a kubernetes cluster, and it seems that your works fit our needs.

So, After a look to the Readme, ./devel/ and the makefile, it seems that the operator is designed to works with an OpenShift server.

So here my question is it possible to use this operator on a managed (by a cloud provider) kubernetes cluster ? Thanks for your help.

Ideally a StatefulSets + Operators guide would be awesome.

I wish you a great day.


bioinfornatics commented 2 years ago

currently my main issue come from config/certmanager/subscription.yaml

$ minikube kubectl  -- create -f config/certmanager/subscription.yaml
error: resource mapping not found for name: "cert-manager" namespace: "openshift-operators" from "config/certmanager/subscription.yaml": no matches for kind "Subscription" in version ""
ensure CRDs are installed first
frasertweedale commented 2 years ago

@bioinfornatics g'day. FYI this project is dormant. It may resume at a future time.

@avisiedo do you have any pointers about the cert-manager or docs you can point to?

bioinfornatics commented 2 years ago

@frasertweedale good day :-) ok I will try to use a standard deployment for freeipa. Anyway, below some extra command that was needs to do in my side to go further

Add Subcription kind

minikube kubectl -- create -f
minikube kubectl -- create -f
minikube kubectl  -- create -f config/certmanager/subscription.yaml
minikube kubectl -- wait Subscription/cert-manager -n openshift-operators --for=condition=CatalogSourcesUnhealthy=False
minikube kubectl -- create -f config/certmanager/clusterissuer-selfsigned.yaml

use podman instead of docker

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b275728..b4db61d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ else
 GOBIN=$(shell go env GOBIN)

+DOCKER ?= docker
 # Setting SHELL to bash allows bash commands to be executed by recipes.
 # This is a requirement for '' in the test target.
 # Options are set to exit when a recipe line exits non-zero or a piped command fails.
@@ -112,11 +114,11 @@ run: manifests generate fmt vet ## Run a controller from your host (it requires

 .PHONY: docker-build
 docker-build:  ## Build docker image with the manager.
-       docker build -t ${IMG} .
+       $(DOCKER) build -t ${IMG} .

 .PHONY: docker-push
 docker-push: ## Push docker image with the manager.
-       docker push ${IMG}
+       $(DOCKER) push ${IMG}

 ##@ Deployment

which allow to do make docker-build DOCKER=podman The same idea to allow the use of kubectl instead of oc will be much appreciated

local build

 sudo bash -c '
 export GOPATH="/opt/gotool/${GO_VERSION}/"
 export GOBIN="/opt/gotool/${GO_VERSION}/bin/"

 dnf install -y golang
 mkdir -p "${GOBIN}"

 curl -Lo${GOBIN}/ansible-operator${OPERATOR_SDK_VERSION}/ansible-operator_linux_amd64
 curl -Lo${GOBIN}/helm-operator${OPERATOR_SDK_VERSION}/helm-operator_linux_amd64
 curl -Lo${GOBIN}/operator-sdk${OPERATOR_SDK_VERSION}/operator-sdk_linux_amd64 
 chmod +x /${GOBIN}/*

 go install && echo "Installed typeparams"
 go install${GODOC_VERSION} && echo "Installed godoc"
 go install${DELVE_VERSION} && echo "Installed dlv"
 go install${GOLINT_VERSION} && echo "Installed golint"
 go install${KUSTOMIZE_VERSION} && echo "Installed kustomize"
 go install && echo "Installed controller-gen"
 update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/dlv               gotool            ${GOBIN}/dlv ${GO_PRIORITY} \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/golint            golint            ${GOBIN}/golint \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/kustomize         kustomize         ${GOBIN}/kustomize \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/controller-gen    controller-gen    ${GOBIN}/controller-gen  \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk      operator-sdk      ${GOBIN}/operator-sdk ${OPERATOR_SDK_PRIORITY} \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/ansible-operator  ansible-operator  ${GOBIN}/ansible-operator \
                     --slave   /usr/local/bin/helm-operator     helm-operator     ${GOBIN}/helm-operator

build controller-gen

 export GOPATH="/opt/gotool/${GO_VERSION}/"
 export GOBIN="/opt/gotool/${GO_VERSION}/bin/"
 make build CONTROLLER_GEN=${GOBIN}/controller-gen

I wish you a good day

avisiedo commented 2 years ago

@bioinfornatics Sorry for the delay, and thank you very much for your issue; the below could simplify olm installation by:

./bin/oprator-sdk olm install

A few additional notes:

By the way as @frasertweedale said, this project is dormart and It may resume at a future time.

Hope this helps!

batistein commented 2 years ago

@avisiedo why is the project dormart? And wouldn't it be useful to update then the readme? I just came across this operator and would find it awesome if the development would continue!

frasertweedale commented 2 years ago

@batistein the reason is the combination of:

Yes, we should update the README to reflect this :)

bioinfornatics commented 2 years ago

Thanks @avisiedo @batistein @frasertweedale

NeverMore93 commented 1 year ago

@bioinfornatics May I ask how you finally realized freeipa on k8s? Could you provide some documentation?

frasertweedale commented 1 year ago

@NeverMore93 we shelved the project. There are blockers in the Kube/OpenShift platform that prevented us running the container in the way we wanted. Never say never (these blockers are gradually being addressed), but since 1 year ago our team is working on other things.

batistein commented 1 year ago

we moved with authentik