This version properly encloses the ImagePath of the service in the Windows registry between double quotes, in an effort to protect users from malicious hijacking executables trying to use the unprotected "C:\program" part of "C:\program files" to be run whenever the service is run (default being "automatic").
Basically, uses the generic-text routine mappings to add the missing quotes before and after the path received from get_module_filename(), in order to be compatible with any Windows system. Some comments are included that should probably be edited out once accepted.
This version properly encloses the ImagePath of the service in the Windows registry between double quotes, in an effort to protect users from malicious hijacking executables trying to use the unprotected "C:\program" part of "C:\program files" to be run whenever the service is run (default being "automatic"). Basically, uses the generic-text routine mappings to add the missing quotes before and after the path received from get_module_filename(), in order to be compatible with any Windows system. Some comments are included that should probably be edited out once accepted.