A fully-searchable and accessible archive of court data including growing repositories of opinions, oral arguments, judges, judicial financial records, and federal filings.
Add argument to set number of workers (2 by default)
Add argument to set reporter to start from
Improve the readability of reporters names
Tests updated
Set workers number
manage.py import_harvard_pdfs --crosswalk-dir /opt/courtlistener/cl/assets/media/crosswalk --max-workers 4
Go thru all reporters but starting from specific repoter:
Set workers number
manage.py import_harvard_pdfs --crosswalk-dir /opt/courtlistener/cl/assets/media/crosswalk --max-workers 4
Go thru all reporters but starting from specific repoter:manage.py import_harvard_pdfs --crosswalk-dir /opt/courtlistener/cl/assets/media/crosswalk --start-from-reporter "Hill"