freelawproject / courts-db

A database of courts, tests and other experiments
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Harvard Court Updates #29

Open flooie opened 2 years ago

flooie commented 2 years ago

The importing of Harvard Opinions is requiring another large push on the dataset.

I plan to use this issue as an on-going thread until all the Harvard Courts are accounted for.

flooie commented 2 years ago

Harvard has 61 Jurisdictions in the list of all-courts extracted. A quick collection counter of the entire dataset produces

N.Y.                                               741
Ohio                                               568
U.S.                                               518
Pa.                                                322
N.J.                                               184
Va.                                                148
Fla.                                               132
Mich.                                              56
Ga.                                                46
Mass.                                              39
Tribal                                             38
Or.                                                27
Cal.                                               26
Ky.                                                26
Del.                                               20
Colo.                                              18
Md.                                                17
S.C.                                               12
Navajo Nation                                      10
D.C.                                               10
Tex.                                               10
Mo.                                                9
Conn.                                              8
Okla.                                              8
V.I.                                               7
Ind.                                               6
Ark.                                               6
La.                                                6
N.C.                                               6
Tenn.                                              6
Miss.                                              5
Ala.                                               4
Alaska                                             4
N. Mar. I.                                         4
Haw.                                               4
Ill.                                               4
Iowa                                               4
R.I.                                               4
Wash.                                              4
Ariz.                                              3
Guam                                               3
Kan.                                               3
N.H.                                               3
P.R.                                               3
Utah                                               3
S.D.                                               3
Am. Samoa                                          2
N.M.                                               2
N.D.                                               2
Nev.                                               2
U.K.                                               2
Idaho                                              2
Me.                                                2
Minn.                                              2
Neb.                                               2
W. Va.                                             2
Vt.                                                2
Wis.                                               2
Mont.                                              1
Dakota Territory                                   1
Wyo.                                               1
flooie commented 2 years ago

Using courts-db to extract out a court-id for each jurisdiction produces failed parses for

Ohio                                               512
N.Y.                                               451
Pa.                                                316
N.J.                                               162
Va.                                                141
U.S.                                               108
Mich.                                              50
Ga.                                                44
Mass.                                              34
Tribal                                             29
Cal.                                               22
Ky.                                                22
Or.                                                19
Colo.                                              15
Md.                                                13
Del.                                               12
S.C.                                               10
Navajo Nation                                      7
Conn.                                              6
Ark.                                               4
Mo.                                                4
La.                                                4
N. Mar. I.                                         3
Miss.                                              3
N.H.                                               3
Tenn.                                              3
Haw.                                               3
U.K.                                               2
Ill.                                               2
Ind.                                               2
R.I.                                               2
S.D.                                               2
Vt.                                                2
V.I.                                               2
Nev.                                               1
Kan.                                               1
Iowa                                               1
N.C.                                               1
P.R.                                               1
Utah                                               1
Guam                                               1
Me.                                                1
Wash.                                              1
W. Va.                                             1
flooie commented 2 years ago

The following courts fail in the Harvard import.