freelawproject / juriscraper

An API to scrape American court websites for metadata.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
341 stars 98 forks source link

Fill `nm` and `nmctapp` gaps #990

Open grossir opened 2 months ago

grossir commented 2 months ago

Part of #929


Between 2019-04-11 and 2021-03-04 we have 6 opinions. Should have 80

Between 2021-04-13 and 2022-01-09 we have 0 opinions, should have 30.


Between June 7th, 2019 and April 1st, 2022 we have 3 documents in CL. From the source, we are missing 1265 documents

grossir commented 2 months ago

This source is using "Decisia", the same backend as ark sources #958 . An abstract scraper for this backend could be created, and each state source could inherit from it. Will leave that merging for a future issue

grossir commented 1 month ago
docker exec -it cl-django python /opt/courtlistener/ cl_back_scrape_opinions --courts juriscraper.opinions.united_states.state.nm --backscrape-start=04/10/2019 --backscrape-end=03/05/2021

docker exec -it cl-django python /opt/courtlistener/ cl_back_scrape_opinions --courts juriscraper.opinions.united_states.state.nm --backscrape-start=04/12/2021 --backscrape-end=01/10/2022

docker exec -it cl-django python /opt/courtlistener/ cl_back_scrape_opinions --courts juriscraper.opinions.united_states.state.nmctapp --backscrape-start=07/05/2019 --backscrape-end=01/03/2022