freelawproject / recap

This repository is for filing issues on any RECAP-related effort.
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RECAP client should inform the user when the backend (CourtListener) is down #243

Open johnhawkinson opened 6 years ago

johnhawkinson commented 6 years ago

When the Courtlistener server is down, the RECAP client should make this clear to the user ("It's not gonna work, son.") At the very least there should be something in the JS console when connections fail, and probbly more than that. Flip the [R] icon to a blinking quesitonmark, idk.

And in a perfect world, there should be a backup Courtlistener server. Or an AWS proxy for uploads. Or something.

mlissner commented 6 years ago

I could check, but for the record, I assume it currently just does nothing?

johnhawkinson commented 6 years ago

I could check, but for the record, I assume it currently just does nothing?

That's the perception. No diagnostics, nothing.

I guess a lot of this is we don't set XMLHttpRequest.timeout.

ON THE OTHER HAND, arguably if your browser kept running while CL was down for a day, I guess theoretically RECAP uploads would have hung until it came back and finally uploaded docs. I'm not really sure if that's true…

But for things like adding links to dockets and [R] icons, a timeout seems to make sense unambiguously. The case is a little weaker for document uploads, but not a lot weaker.

mlissner commented 6 years ago

It would be pretty great if the browser could somehow serialize failing uploads and then send them in when the server comes back online.

mlissner commented 1 year ago

This feels less necessary now that our server's uptime is so much better, but still seems like a useful thing to do somehow.