freelawproject / recap

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Docket links can appear on login pages #274

Closed johnhawkinson closed 4 years ago

johnhawkinson commented 5 years ago

I guess there is an argument that this behavior is not a bug and is actually helpful, but it seems wrong:

Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at 13 49 03
mlissner commented 5 years ago

We've had this bug before. I think there's some code that tries to check if it's a login page. Must not be catching everything.

mlissner commented 4 years ago

@johnhawkinson can you still reproduce this? I don't think I have seen this in ages.

johnhawkinson commented 4 years ago

tldr: no

I don't remember what the exact repro case was (oops; failure to document), but I don't see this now when I got to a url while logged out. Not even if I reload the extension while I am there. Not sure what changed.

mlissner commented 4 years ago

OK, I'm going to close this one out then. Let's reopen if we see it again.