freelawproject / recap

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Preference for File Name Chrome #294

Closed Zorter closed 3 years ago

Zorter commented 3 years ago

I wish to change my preference for the file name for pdf files - The Recap faq states: "Better Filenames You may have noticed that PDFs from PACER often have a default filename like “98723421.pdf”. Not very informative! You might also occasionally get the even more frustrating filename “” (which might not even open in your PDF viewer). RECAP intelligently names your PDFs in a way that includes the PACER court id, PACER case id, and docket entry number — or in “Bluebook” style."

I am unable to find this option in preferences. Was this option removed. I wish the file name to have the docket number and document number etc. - or even the bluebook.

I thought at one time I had set up my preference to use the docket number approach, but, alas, forgot how I did that. No link on Recap and to install and preference options ....

mlissner commented 3 years ago

Have you looked in the settings? There's one for "Naming Style"?

Zorter commented 3 years ago


Thanks for getting back so quickly.

This is what I show in Chrome-Settings-Extensions-Recap. Am in the wrong place?



On 12/26/2020 00:25, Mike Lissner wrote:

Have you looked in the settings? There's one for "Naming Style"?

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

Did you mean to have an attachment?

Zorter commented 3 years ago


I supplied the screen shot as an in-line image.

Here it is as an attachment.



On 12/26/2020 14:02, Mike Lissner wrote:

Did you mean to have an attachment?

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

Sorry, it doesn't look like your screenshots are making it into Github. Can you try doing it via the website instead of email:

Zorter commented 3 years ago


So, do you mean the Recap web site? Can you give me that link. I do not see a way to do this at


On 12/28/2020 12:16, Mike Lissner wrote:

Sorry, it doesn't look like your screenshots are making it into Github. Can you try doing it via the website instead of email: #294 [1]

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

Sorry, you opened an issue on Github, here: Can you use that webpage to upload an image/

Zorter commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 3 10 01 PM

I read that there are few lawyers on GitHub. Does this work?

mlissner commented 3 years ago

Gotcha. Can you try opening the extension by clicking the icon in your browser bar? That should show you the settings.

Zorter commented 3 years ago


So, there are two settings files!!! One from clicking the Recap icon and the other from the preferences obtained by accessing chrome-settings-extensions-recap-details.

But in any event, I have selected the "lawyer style" (which I personally describe as the vendor-neutral-citation).

But, when downloading, the downloads show up in the internet archive style.

So, I accessed the Trump v. Vance SDNY docket at

I then selected Document 35, Judge Marrero's Decision.

This is the file name provided by Recap "gov.uscourts.nysd.523086.35.0_1.pdf" even though I selected lawyer's style.

Will upload the screen shots momentarily.

Anyway, RECAP is still a fantastic project and thanks for you hard work over the years!!!

Alan D. Sugarman

Zorter commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-12-28 at 5 38 18 PM Screen Shot 2020-12-28 at 5 24 42 PM

mlissner commented 3 years ago

Hm. This only works for docs that you're purchasing. I suppose for ones we already have they're going to get the filename that they have on the server.

Sorry for the confusion on the two settings areas. The one you posted at first is from Chrome itself, and we don't really control that. I think we used to put a copy of our settings in there too, so perhaps that's why you expected to find our settings in there, but a year or two ago we stopped doing that just to make things simpler (for us).

Zorter commented 3 years ago

As a lawyer, my preference is the Lawyer's Style. Makes sense and is the basis for a meaningful vendor neutral citation.

Alan Sugarman, Founder of HyperLaw!

mlissner commented 3 years ago

Good to know. Is there any other issue that needs resolution here? If not, can you please close the issue?

Zorter commented 3 years ago


Actually, I do not wish to close this issue until Recap restores the Lawyer Citation format and expands the format to include downloads from Court Listener.

I say this as a lawyer who installed RECAP many years ago and thereafter purchased over the years thousands of pages of Pacer documents from Pacer, which pages were then automatically loaded into the RECAP archive, available to others for nothing. I also have spent non-productive hours converting meaningless-named files downloaded from RECAP, using a regular expression file renamer when many documents are to be renamed, but what an interruption.

I would be pleased to discuss this with the UX/UI consultants upon whom the RECAP/Free Law project relies, to the extent that the UX/UI consultants relate to practicing attorneys who regularly use Pacer.

I assume that your project wishes to encourage attorneys who regularly use Pacer for cases where they are not the attorneys-of- record.

Should I start a new issue or continue with this issue?


Alan D. Sugarman

On 12/29/2020 01:24, Mike Lissner wrote:

Good to know. Is there any other issue that needs resolution here? If not, can you please close the issue?

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

We didn't change anything about our links:

  1. For items that you buy, if you have the lawyer format configured in RECAP, you'll get the lawyer format.

  2. For the items already on our site, we have always served them with the "Internet Archive" format.

I suppose we could add a new feature to allow people with the extension to get those files served to them with "Lawyer Style" filenames, but that's not something we've ever had. To be very clear, we haven't made any changes here. Something could be broken, but I haven't seen evidence of that. If you think something is broken, a steps to reproduce would be helpful.

Zorter commented 3 years ago


Whether anything is broken, or never included, or changed is not the issue. My issue, and one I suspect most attorneys would want, is downloading with meaningful file names.

My first example is an "item[s] already on our site". When RECAP was in its early years, many times I requested a lawyer-type format, and finally it was introduced to a limited extent. Made me happy.

An "item[s] already on our site" could be an item I added previously or was added by another lawyer. Without testing this now, when I sign in on Pacer and see a Recap tag, I thought I was getting the machine oriented file name (I assume the number is the number assigned by the Administrative Office to each case??).

Anyway, however accomplished, and I could surmise at many ways, I think that I and other lawyers who contribute to RECAP files by having RECAP on their browsers, would appreciate having the option of a meaningful file name.

In my first example, I was linking to the download from a Court Listener docket page that had all the information needed for a meaningful file name. Indeed, one option there would be to pop up a window with several variations of the file name and let the user select one.

In the meantime, I do not know who is responsible for most RECAP uploading use - I would assume lawyers and journalists. I have been surprised at the number of my colleagues who do not know about RECAP or do not have it loaded.

So, I would add and maintain as an issue for RECAP/COURT LISTENER: the option for all sources of download requests to receive option in some form (preference/pop-up) as to what to name the file with some meaning.

I would be interested in the view of an UX/UI consultant who considered lawyers and journalists and their staff as the "User" (and not data scientists or techie lawyers who use git-hub.)

Still - I appreciate RECAP and wished more lawyers contributed.


Alan D. Sugarman

On 12/29/2020 12:34, Mike Lissner wrote:

We didn't change anything about our links:


For items that you buy, if you have the lawyer format configured in RECAP, you'll get the lawyer format. *

For the items already on our site, we have always served them with the "Internet Archive" format.

I suppose we could add a new feature to allow people with the extension to get those files served to them with "Lawyer Style" filenames, but that's not something we've ever had. To be very clear, we haven't made any changes here. Something could be broken, but I haven't seen evidence of that. If you think something is broken, a steps to reproduce would be helpful.

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

When you're using RECAP and you're looking at a document, you should have a link that lets you download lawyer style filenames:

Screenshot from 2020-12-29 10-44-26

For items that are already on CourtListener, it's harder to change the filename based on a user preference, but I agree it'd be a useful feature.

Zorter commented 3 years ago


So, I did not say it was not available anywhere. Lawyer Style is just not available in a link from CourtListener as noted (or I should have noted) in at the beginning of this thread.

So, should I add this as a new issue - lawyer-style (I would say human-style) filenames when the download is initiated in CourtListener? [going into the docket by using ECF requires too many menus - find the right court, sign in, go to search menu, search for case by case number, show docket etc. plus need an ECF account for this]


Alan D. Sugarman 917-208-1516 212-873-1371

On 12/29/2020 13:53, Mike Lissner wrote:

When you're using RECAP and you're looking at a document, you should have a link that lets you download lawyer style filenames:


For items that are already on CourtListener, it's harder to change the filename based on a user preference, but I agree it'd be a useful feature.

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

OK, sounds like we've gotten to the bottom of it. You want downloads from CourtListener to get the Lawyer Style file names you get when you download things from PACER when you have RECAP installed. If that's a correct summary, I'll start a new, clean issue for that.

Zorter commented 3 years ago

"OK, sounds like we've gotten to the bottom of it. You want downloads from CourtListener to get the same Lawyer Style file names you get when you download things from PACER when you have RECAP installed."

Yes, sounds good.

Alan D. Sugarman 917-208-1516 212-873-1371

On 12/29/2020 14:13, Mike Lissner wrote:

OK, sounds like we've gotten to the bottom of it. You want downloads from CourtListener to get the Lawyer Style file names you get when you download things from PACER when you have RECAP installed. If that's a correct summary, I'll start a new, clean issue for that.

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mlissner commented 3 years ago

Great. I created a new issue here: