freelawproject / recap

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Problems downloading docs in chrome, with recap enabled... #352

Closed el-abcd closed 7 months ago

el-abcd commented 9 months ago

Summary: Get a spinning beach ball in chrome on mac when trying to download docs with recap enabled.

Details: While it appears that recap can successfully upload the docket (when I view it in pacer, using chrome with the recap extension), the last several times (over a couple weeks, I'm an occasional user) that I have tried to download docs from the dockets I am interested in (CA bankruptcy court) the downloads to NOT complete (spinning beach ball).

Example docket I'm trying to download from:

Note: the one I'm reporting this bug on is a 6 part document (I wonder if this is related to multi-part documents)...

Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 12 33 53 PM

The "solution" for me has been to disable the recap extension, then the downloads work as expected.

When I open the developer tools and look at the console messages I see the following: RECAP: Successfully submitted zip file request Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'src') at extractUrl (content_delegate.js:548:22) at ContentDelegate.onDownloadAllSubmit (content_delegate.js:592:18)

So, somewhere in here:

// fetch the html page which contains the