freelawproject / recap

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PACER docket not uploading to RECAP? #353

Open nk9 opened 9 months ago

nk9 commented 9 months ago

It's possible that I'm just doing something wrong. But when I visit this case, there's a "Buy docket on PACER" link. So I click it, and I get:


I don't "view this for free on RECAP" because I've just come from there, and the docket is missing. So then I change none of the options and select Run Report. And the report runs…


And that's all I should have to do, right? RECAP should notice that I've browsed to the docker and automagically save it? Unfortunately, the docket still appears as blank in RECAP. 🤔

nk9 commented 9 months ago

Oh, interesting. When I instead used the "View on PACER > History/Documents" button, the docket uploads as expected. Am I wrong to expect the prominent "Buy Docket on PACER" button to send you to where you can pay to fill in the docket so it will appear on RECAP?

mlissner commented 9 months ago

@ERosendo can you help diagnose this and get it onto your list if needed, please?

ERosendo commented 9 months ago
