freelawproject / recap

This repository is for filing issues on any RECAP-related effort.
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Add RECAP to the MS Edge store #368

Open mlissner opened 2 months ago

mlissner commented 2 months ago

It seems to be here:

Let's get it added, and then update the links at and the notes on our wiki for doing releases.

Hopefully this won't be too bad.

mlissner commented 2 months ago

I thought I'd give this a try tonight to see how bad it could be. Answer: Microsoft Bad.

The process is:

  1. Create an account on (this doesn't work in Firefox).

  2. Create a partner account?

  3. Create a Entra ID tenant thing (make another account).

  4. Verify your accounts in various ways. So on and so forth, until you arrive at:


So until we do, we're stuck. That's a bummer. End of the road until we get around to that.

Once that's done and we get back to this, I have the Entra, Partner, Tenant and regular ID in bitwarden in a single entry.

The following help articles were essential to this. It would have been impossible without them:

  1. Publish an Add-On:

  2. Add users and groups:

  3. Register for an account:

  4. Verify a company account:

  5. And the crème de la crème, "Create a new Azure AD tenant to associate with your Partner Center account":

anseljh commented 2 months ago

That's impressively terrible.