freemarker / fmpp

Command line and Ant tool for processing files with FreeMarker
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XInclude and XML rendering #26

Open MarinBernard opened 5 years ago

MarinBernard commented 5 years ago


I'm new to FMPP and I'm trying to have it render a single XML document to a very basic one-liner text file. Templating does work as expected, except regarding the XInclude feature: I can't make FMPP apply the transclusion. In the called template, browsing the DOM with pp.doc returns an xi:include element instead of the target one.

XInclude does work when used with static XML data sources (defined in the main config file), but not with dynamic XML rendering. I use the latest version. What did I forget ?

Config file

recommendedDefaults: 0.9.16
sourceRoot: /home/marin/fmpp/in
outputRoot: /home/marin/fmpp/out
dataRoot:   /home/marin/fmpp/data

modes : [

data: {
    # Works fine: <xi:include> elements are processed.
    works: xml(music/works/bach/bwv622.xml, {'xincludeAware': true})

xmlRenderings: [
        # Does NOT work: <xi:include> elements are returned as-is.
        ifDocumentElementIs: release
        template: templates/release.tags
        xincludeAware: true
        xmlns: {D:, xi:}

Source XML file

<release xmlns=""
    <title>My release</title>
                <xi:include href="/home/marin/fmpp/data/music/works/bach/bwv622.xml" parse="xml"/>


<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
<@pp.renameOutputFile extension="txt" />
<#assign release = pp.doc.release>
<#list* as c>
- ${c?node_name}


- include

Instead of the the root element from "/home/marin/fmpp/data/music/works/bach/bwv622.xml".

ddekany commented 5 years ago

Indeed, xincludeAware had no effect inside xmlRenderings. I have fixed this in commit

MarinBernard commented 5 years ago


Many thanks for adding this feature. For your information I noticed that xincludeAware was also ineffective when passed as a parameter of pp.loadData. XML data are loaded but XInclude elements are left unprocessed.

Many thanks. I'll try to build 9.1.17 and see what happens.

ddekany commented 5 years ago

Are you sure about pp.loadData? Looking at the source code, I don't think it ignores the { 'xincludeAware': true } argument you pass to it.