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Clarify policy on keeping primary channels open #522

Open progval opened 3 years ago

progval commented 3 years ago

I don't know if this is the exact policy, but this seems to describe better what was explained to me on #freenode-services:

17:58 <pinkieval> Someone closed a # channel I was in, can you make it forward to the ## channel with the same name, like says?
18:01 <@Tabmow> pinkieval: what channel?
18:01 <pinkieval> Tabmow: #freenode-policy-feedback
18:02 <@Tabmow> pinkieval: umm, no. Those are used by freenode staff when needed.
18:02 <pinkieval> So freenode channels are excluded from the policy?
18:05 <@Tabmow> pinkieval: they are part of the freenode group which staff own. Read the policy again.
18:06 <pinkieval> I get it, but the policy says "Primary channels are required to stay open.". #freenode-policy-feedback is a primary channel, right?
18:09 <@Tabmow> pinkieval: there are many freenode primary channels, like this one.
18:10 <pinkieval> So only one primary channel per project needs to stay open?
18:19 <-- Tabmow (~tabmow@freenode/staff/tabmow) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -
18:20 --> Tabmow (~tabmow@freenode/staff/tabmow) a rejoint #freenode-services
18:20 -- Mode #freenode-services [+o Tabmow] par ChanServ
18:21 <pinkieval> Tabmow: (in case you missed the question: ) So only one primary channel per project needs to stay open?
18:29 <@Tabmow> pinkieval: not exactly, but sure.

(I removed unrelated messages from the log)

Suggestions are welcome to make this closer to the actual policy.

immibis commented 3 years ago

I don't think #freenode has any open primary channels.