Closed promethial closed 3 years ago
Can’t view code following update, need this for work ASAP!
I have the same problem
FreeOTP 2.2 iOS 12.4.9 / iPhone5s
Since last update I can not unlock encrypted tokens.
Could you please help?
here is the last crash report:
Termination Reason: Namespace SPRINGBOARD, Code 0x8badf00d
Termination Description: SPRINGBOARD, scene-update watchdog transgression: org.fedorahosted.freeotp exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 10.00 seconds
@justin-stephenson: good luck! :)
this workaround still works.
Is there a way to disable the password? This is ridiculous.
Could you test and confirm that the following TestFlight build fixes this issue?
I can’t :( The Testflight App requires iOS13 I only have 12.4.9
It’s an little old phone, but I love it :)
Could you test and confirm that the following TestFlight build fixes this issue?
No, it doesn't. Face ID is not requested for protected items and codes are not shown. iOS 14.2.1.
I just tried the app via TestFlight on an iPhone 12 running iOS 14.2.1 and it doesn't work. Nothing happens when I tap on the icon on the left. I don't even get the request to unlock the phone. Tapping on the "share" icon on the right brings me to the "Share Code" page, but nothing happens when I tap on Copy to Clipboard.
I reverted the changes which caused the locked tokens authentication problems, and posted a 2.2.1 release to the App store which has worked for some users. Unfortunately if the tokens are still not accessible it appears the OTP keychain item became corrupted in a way that prevents it from being retrieved properly in the keystore. In that case the only solution would be to remove and re-add the token.
I am going to start providing TestFlight betas builds before upcoming releases are pushed to the App store, to avoid problems like this which aren't caught in my local device testing. Apologies for the troubles this caused.
Works for me - Thank you very much!
I'm experiencing the same:
Biometrics never pop-up. Already gave he app photos and bluetooth access.
FreeOTP 2.3.2 on iPhone 7 wit iOS 15.7.3.
After the latest update, I can't access the OTP's that are locked by password protection. The ones that are not password protected are still accessible. The password seems to be accepted, but the same prompt cycles back up asking for a password. This results in an infinite loop of password prompts and never getting to the OTP.