Closed EBGU closed 12 months ago
Hi, Can you send me the PDB-file so I can use it to reproduce the error?
Closing due to inactivity
Sorry for the delay. It has been almost a year.
To reproduce this error, you could download my ligand file( in .mol2 format) and run:
from rdkit import Chem
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
from freesasa import calcBioPDB
from io import StringIO
parser = PDBParser()
lig_pdbstring = StringIO(Chem.MolToPDBBlock(Chem.MolFromMol2File(mol2_file,sanitize=True)))
#open a StringIO object and parse the pdb file
lig_model = parser.get_structure('pdb', lig_pdbstring)
calcBioPDB(lig_model ,options={'hetatm':True})
Thank you so much, and I apologize for my delay again.
I am currently using the python api 'calcBioPDB ' for SASA calculation of small molecules. I found a very strange behavior, and I have to manually reprogram the classifier. Although the atom radius was guessed based on its element, the returned radius was -1.0 which caused errors.
My solution is to use a customed classifier to assign radius based on its element, but it is not very elegant.
Looking forward to your reply!
BTW, this project is really awesome!