freescout-help-desk / freescout

FreeScout — Free self-hosted help desk & shared mailbox (Zendesk / Help Scout alternative)
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Bulk closing threads slowing system down #3898

Closed mikedov closed 5 months ago

mikedov commented 5 months ago

Freescout slows down to an (almost) halt, with page load times upwards of 15-60sec during bulk thread closing. This is on a mailbox without any email connection. No receiving or sending email is configured. Threads are created through the API, with the email always being The threads are all auto-tagged through the API right after creation as well, and we manually create a custom folder for the new tag when we see it.

When we have a lot of threads opened by mistake, we need to close them out to not clutter the mailbox. We will typically search by tag or subject, and select all with the checkboxes, and set them to closed. This results in full CPU usage for 10-30min. It looked like most of the CPU usage was from the database, and some of the time from PHP.

Yesterday during a bulk close we got this error 75 times in the logs, all with the same timestamp. I don't know if it's related or not.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 2002): SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused at /www/html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDO/Exception.php:18, PDOException(code: 2002): SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused at /www/html/overrides/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php:38)

#0 /www/html/overrides/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php(42): Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception::new(Object(PDOException))
#1 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/Connector.php(64): Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOConnection->__construct('mysql:host=free...', 'freescout', 'r804kfLyOTZEItz...', Array)
#2 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/Connector.php(97): Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\Connector->createPdoConnection('mysql:host=free...', 'freescout', 'r804kfLyOTZEItz...', Array)
#3 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/Connector.php(46): Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\Connector->tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection(Object(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception), 'mysql:host=free...', 'freescout', 'r804kfLyOTZEItz...', Array)
#4 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/MySqlConnector.php(24): Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\Connector->createConnection('mysql:host=free...', Array, Array)
#5 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/ConnectionFactory.php(183): Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\MySqlConnector->connect(Array)
#6 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\ConnectionFactory->Illuminate\\Database\\Connectors\\{closure}()
#7 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php(915): call_user_func(Object(Closure))
#8 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/DatabaseManager.php(248): Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->getPdo()
#9 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/DatabaseManager.php(234): Illuminate\\Database\\DatabaseManager->refreshPdoConnections('mysql')
#10 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/DatabaseManager.php(168): Illuminate\\Database\\DatabaseManager->reconnect('mysql')
#11 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Database\\DatabaseManager->Illuminate\\Database\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Database\\MySqlConnection))
#12 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php(753): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Object(Illuminate\\Database\\MySqlConnection))
#13 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php(767): Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->reconnect()
#14 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php(616): Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->reconnectIfMissingConnection()
#15 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php(317): Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->run('select * from `...', Array, Object(Closure))
#16 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php(1718): Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->select('select * from `...', Array, true)
#17 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php(1704): Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->runSelect()
#18 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php(483): Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->get(Array)
#19 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php(467): Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Builder->getModels(Array)
#20 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php(360): Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Builder->get(Array)
#21 /www/html/app/Module.php(29): Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model::all()
#22 /www/html/app/Module.php(144): App\\Module::getCached()
#23 /www/html/app/Module.php(40): App\\Module::getByAlias('apiwebhooks')
#24 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(162): App\\Module::isActive('apiwebhooks')
#25 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(249): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->scan()
#26 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(227): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->toCollection()
#27 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cache/Repository.php(327): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->Nwidart\\Modules\\{closure}()
#28 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cache/CacheManager.php(304): Illuminate\\Cache\\Repository->remember('laravel-modules', 60, Object(Closure))
#29 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(224): Illuminate\\Cache\\CacheManager->__call('remember', Array)
#30 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(181): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->getCached()
#31 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(263): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->all()
#32 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(291): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->getByStatus(1)
#33 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(333): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->enabled()
#34 /www/html/overrides/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Repository.php(365): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->getOrdered()
#35 /www/html/vendor/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Providers/BootstrapServiceProvider.php(22): Nwidart\\Modules\\Repository->register()
#36 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(586): Nwidart\\Modules\\Providers\\BootstrapServiceProvider->register()
#37 /www/html/vendor/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/ModulesServiceProvider.php(38): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->register(Object(Nwidart\\Modules\\Providers\\BootstrapServiceProvider))
#38 /www/html/vendor/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/LaravelModulesServiceProvider.php(15): Nwidart\\Modules\\ModulesServiceProvider->registerModules()
#39 [internal function]: Nwidart\\Modules\\LaravelModulesServiceProvider->boot()
#40 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(28): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#41 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(87): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::Illuminate\\Container\\{closure}()
#42 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(27): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Object(Closure))
#43 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(549): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::call(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Array, NULL)
#44 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(792): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->call(Array)
#45 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(775): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->bootProvider(Object(Nwidart\\Modules\\LaravelModulesServiceProvider))
#46 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->Illuminate\\Foundation\\{closure}(Object(Nwidart\\Modules\\LaravelModulesServiceProvider), 23)
#47 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(774): array_walk(Array, Object(Closure))
#48 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Bootstrap/BootProviders.php(17): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->boot()
#49 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(213): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\BootProviders->bootstrap(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application))
#50 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/Kernel.php(296): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->bootstrapWith(Array)
#51 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php(72): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\Kernel->bootstrap()
#52 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php(54): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\ConfigCacheCommand->getFreshConfiguration()
#53 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\ConfigCacheCommand->handle()
#54 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(28): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#55 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(87): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::Illuminate\\Container\\{closure}()
#56 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(27): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Object(Closure))
#57 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(549): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::call(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Array, NULL)
#58 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(183): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->call(Array)
#59 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#60 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(169): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#61 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(197): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#62 /www/html/app/Console/Commands/ClearCache.php(46): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->call('config:cache')
#63 [internal function]: App\\Console\\Commands\\ClearCache->handle()
#64 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(28): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#65 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(87): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::Illuminate\\Container\\{closure}()
#66 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(27): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Object(Closure))
#67 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(549): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::call(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Array, NULL)
#68 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(183): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->call(Array)
#69 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#70 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(169): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#71 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(197): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#72 /www/html/app/Console/Commands/AfterAppUpdate.php(40): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->call('freescout:clear...')
#73 [internal function]: App\\Console\\Commands\\AfterAppUpdate->handle()
#74 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(28): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#75 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(87): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::Illuminate\\Container\\{closure}()
#76 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(27): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Object(Closure))
#77 /www/html/overrides/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(549): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::call(Object(Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application), Array, Array, NULL)
#78 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(183): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->call(Array)
#79 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#80 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(169): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Illuminate\\Console\\OutputStyle))
#81 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(992): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#82 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(255): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRunCommand(Object(App\\Console\\Commands\\AfterAppUpdate), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#83 /www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(148): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#84 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Application.php(88): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#85 /www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/Kernel.php(121): Illuminate\\Console\\Application->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#86 /www/html/artisan(60): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\Kernel->handle(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))
#87 {main}

This is the docker compose file we use:

version: '2'

    image: tiredofit/freescout:latest
    container_name: freescout-app
      - freescout-db
      ### If you want to perform customizations to the source and have access to it, then uncomment this line - This includes modules
      - ./data/html:/www/html
        ### Or, if you just want to use Stock Freescout and hold onto persistent files like cache and session use this, one or the other.
      - ./data/data:/data
        ### If you want to just keep the original source and add additional modules uncomment this line
        #- ./modules:/www/html/Modules
      - ./logs/:/www/logs
      - CONTAINER_NAME=freescout-app
      - ./.env
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: tiredofit/mariadb
    container_name: freescout-db
      - ./db:/var/lib/mysql
      - CONTAINER_NAME=freescout-db
      - ./.env
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: freescout-db-backup
    image: tiredofit/db-backup
      - freescout-db
      - ./dbbackup:/backup
      - CONTAINER_NAME=freescout-db-backup
      - DB_TYPE=mariadb
      - DB_DUMP_FREQ=1440
      - DB_DUMP_BEGIN=0000
      - DB_CLEANUP_TIME=8640
      - MD5=TRUE
      - ./.env
    restart: unless-stopped

PHP version: PHP 8.2.17 FreeScout version: 1.8.127 Database: Mysql (10.6.7-MariaDB) Are you using CloudFlare: No

Modules installed: API and Webhooks Custom Folders Custom Mailbox Signatures Customization & Rebranding Dark Mode Extended Attachments Extended Editor Faster Search Followers Global Mailbox Inbox (Inactive) Mentions Saved Replies Send & Close Send Later Sent Folder Snooze Sticky Notes Tags Teams Widgets White-Labeling Workflows

freescout-helpdesk commented 5 months ago

There only way to figure out what is going on is to investigate it on your server. What we can recommend is to check your Worlkflows, maybe deleting conversations triggers some workflows.

mikedov commented 5 months ago

We have 2 workflows on that mailbox. They are both automatic, and both have max executions set to 1. The condition for one is 10 Tag is equal to ORs, and the action is add a note and add tag and move to mailbox. The other's condition is 1 Tag is equal to with an action of adding a tag.

I wouldn't think they would be slowing anything down, because with the max executions of 1, it would just run once when the thread is created. Maybe I'm not understanding fully what each option does.

Is the 10 tag ors causing the performance issues? I'm able to offload that workflow onto another system and add the tag through the API.

mikedov commented 5 months ago

I recorded the SQL queries that went on during a close. There are multiple users active on the system, so I'm sorry about the interference. I used SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON' in the DB right before I closed a ticket, and when the ticket was done (the loading spinner stopped and I got redirected back to the folder) I ended the logging.

I also tallied up most of the queries to see at a glance which queries ran the most in that 10 seconds it took to close the ticket.

I don't know how to check how long each of these queries took. If you know a way, I'll try that out and get back to you with it.

Tally of SQL queries run. For some I replaced the id/number to tally it better. ``` 1 Execute delete from `conversation_folder` where `conversation_id` = 22969 and `folder_id` in (26) 1 Execute delete from `webhook_logs` where `finished` = 1 and `updated_at` < '2024-03-24 15:24:08' 1 Execute insert into `conversation_workflow` (`conversation_id`, `workflow_id`) values (22966, 64) 1 Execute insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `type`, `body`, `status`, `state`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `created_by_user_id`, `action_type`, `meta`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (22966, 4, '', 3, 2, 2, 2, 10, 201, '{\"workflow_id\":64}', '2024-03-27 15:24:09', '2024-03-27 15:24:09') 1 Execute insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `state`, `status`, `action_type`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `customer_id`, `created_by_user_id`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (140756, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1895, 1, '2024-03-27 15:24:03', '2024-03-27 15:24:03') 1 Execute insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `state`, `status`, `action_type`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `customer_id`, `created_by_user_id`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (22969, NULL, 4, 2, 6, 10, 2, 2, 1895, 10, '2024-03-27 15:24:09', '2024-03-27 15:24:09') 1 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = NUM and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `status` in (1, 2) and `state` = 2 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = NUM and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 order by `closed_at` desc limit 50 offset 0 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = NUM and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 3 order by `user_updated_at` desc limit 50 offset 0 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = '132408' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = 140756 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = '140756' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = 22966 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = 22969 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `user_id` = NUM and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `status` in (1, 2) and `state` = 2 and `id` <> 140756 and `status` = 1 and `status` >= 1 and `last_reply_at` <= '2024-03-26 20:21:24' order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversations` where `user_id` = NUM and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `status` in (1, 2) and `state` = 2 and `id` <> 140756 and `status` = 1 and `status` <= 1 and `last_reply_at` >= '2024-03-26 20:21:24' order by `status` desc, `last_reply_at` asc limit 1 1 Execute select * from `conversation_tag` where `conversation_id` in (140756, 139351, 139162, 139155, 138880, 140757, 140097, 139703, 139119, 138920, 141286, 138474, 141266, 139182, 139031, 139026, 138796, 138700, 138286, 140747, 140746, 140183, 141258, 141220, 141164, 141225, 140646, 140645, 140597, 140553, 140513, 140170, 139542, 139369, 141218, 141178, 141182, 141237, 141234, 141208, 140752, 139868, 139617, 140889, 139174, 139047, 138262, 140631, 138260, 139558) 1 Execute select * from `conversation_tag` where `conversation_id` in (22966) 1 Execute select * from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = 5370 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = '31' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 2 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `folders`.`type` = 30 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 2 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = 40 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = 60 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = 70 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `mailbox_id` = 2 and `type` = 30 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `folders` where `mailbox_id` = 3 and `type` = 30 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = 2 limit 1 1 Execute select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = '2' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `options` where (`name` = 'fetch_emails_last_successful_run') limit 1 1 Execute select * from `tags` where `id` in (185) 1 Execute select * from `tags` where `id` in (465, 476, 458, 480, 369, 192, 35, 307, 382, 385, 201, 323) 1 Execute select * from `threads` where `threads`.`conversation_id` = 132408 and `threads`.`conversation_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `type` in (2, 3) order by `created_at` desc limit 1 1 Execute select * from `threads` where `threads`.`id` = '536339' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `users` where `email` = '' limit 1 1 Execute select * from `users` where `id` in (1, NULL) 1 Execute select * from `webhook_logs` where `finished` = 0 1 Execute select * from `webhooks` 1 Execute select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = 3 and `active` = 1 and `type` = 1 order by `sort_order` asc 1 Execute select `id`, `first_name`, `last_name` from `users` where `id` in (1) 1 Execute select `id` from `conversation_folder` where (`folder_id` = NUM and `conversation_id` = 132408) limit 1 1 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `users`.`id` = 1 limit 1 1 Execute select `workflow_id`, `counter` from `conversation_workflow` where `workflow_id` in (60, 42, 64) and `conversation_id` = 140756 1 Execute update `conversations` set `folder_id` = NUM, `state` = 3, `user_updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:09', `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:09' where `id` = 22969 1 Execute update `conversations` set `folder_id` = NUM, `status` = 3, `closed_by_user_id` = NUM, `closed_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:03', `user_updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:03', `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:03' where `id` = 140756 1 Execute update `conversations` set `read_by_user` = 0, `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:03' where `id` = 140756 1 Execute update `conversations` set `read_by_user` = 0, `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:09' where `id` = 22969 1 Execute update `conversations` set `user_updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:09', `read_by_user` = 0, `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:09' where `id` = 22966 1 Execute update `folders` set `active_count` = 0 where `id` = 31 1 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 0, `active_count` = 0 where `id` = 27 1 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 26491 where `id` = 28 1 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 26492 where `id` = 28 1 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 2, `active_count` = 2 where `id` = 30 1 Execute update `options` set `value` = 1711571042 where `id` = 15 1 Execute update `threads` set `body` = '
Hi Bryan,

Our team is actively reaching out
', `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 15:24:03' where `id` = 536339 1 Prepare delete from `conversation_folder` where `conversation_id` = ? and `folder_id` in (?) 1 Prepare delete from `webhook_logs` where `finished` = ? and `updated_at` < ? 1 Prepare insert into `conversation_workflow` (`conversation_id`, `workflow_id`) values (?, ?) 1 Prepare insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `type`, `body`, `status`, `state`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `created_by_user_id`, `action_type`, `meta`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) and `state` = ? 1 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? order by `closed_at` desc limit 50 offset 0 1 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? order by `user_updated_at` desc limit 50 offset 0 1 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) and `state` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` = ? and `status` >= ? and `last_reply_at` <= ? order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) and `state` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` = ? and `status` <= ? and `last_reply_at` >= ? order by `status` desc, `last_reply_at` asc limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `conversation_tag` where `conversation_id` in (?) 1 Prepare select * from `conversation_tag` where `conversation_id` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Prepare select * from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = ? limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = ? limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `folders`.`type` = ? 1 Prepare select * from `options` where (`name` = ?) limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `tags` where `id` in (?) 1 Prepare select * from `tags` where `id` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Prepare select * from `threads` where `threads`.`conversation_id` = ? and `threads`.`conversation_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `type` in (?, ?) order by `created_at` desc limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `threads` where `threads`.`id` = ? limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `users` where `email` = ? limit 1 1 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` in (?, ?) 1 Prepare select * from `webhook_logs` where `finished` = ? 1 Prepare select * from `webhooks` 1 Prepare select `id`, `first_name`, `last_name` from `users` where `id` in (?) 1 Prepare select `id` from `conversation_folder` where (`folder_id` = ? and `conversation_id` = ?) limit 1 1 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `users`.`id` = ? limit 1 1 Prepare select `workflow_id`, `counter` from `conversation_workflow` where `workflow_id` in (?, ?, ?) and `conversation_id` = ? 1 Prepare update `conversations` set `folder_id` = ?, `state` = ?, `user_updated_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Prepare update `conversations` set `folder_id` = ?, `status` = ?, `closed_by_user_id` = ?, `closed_at` = ?, `user_updated_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Prepare update `conversations` set `user_updated_at` = ?, `read_by_user` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Prepare update `folders` set `active_count` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Prepare update `options` set `value` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Prepare update `threads` set `body` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1 Query SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF' 1 Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock 1 Time Id Command Argument 1 /usr/bin/mysqld, Version: 10.6.7-MariaDB (Source distribution). started with: 2 Execute select * from `customers` where `id` in (1895) 2 Execute select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = 1895 and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null limit 1 2 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null 2 Execute select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = 3 limit 1 2 Execute select * from `users` where `status` = 3 and `email` like 'fsteam%' and `last_name` = 'Team' 2 Execute select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = 3 and `active` = 1 and `type` = 2 order by `sort_order` asc 2 Execute select `users`.`id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 where 0 = 1 2 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide` from `users` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 where `role` = 2 2 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 2 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 0, `active_count` = 0 where `id` = 833 2 Prepare insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `state`, `status`, `action_type`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `customer_id`, `created_by_user_id`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 2 Prepare select * from `customers` where `id` in (?) 2 Prepare select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = ? and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null limit 1 2 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null 2 Prepare select * from `folders` where `mailbox_id` = ? and `type` = ? limit 1 2 Prepare select * from `users` where `status` = ? and `email` like ? and `last_name` = ? 2 Prepare select `users`.`id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? where 0 = 1 2 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide` from `users` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? where `role` = ? 2 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? 2 Prepare update `conversations` set `read_by_user` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 2 Prepare update `folders` set `total_count` = ? where `id` = ? 3 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = NUM and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 3 3 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and (`type` in (1, 30, 40, 60, 80, 70, 200, 180, 185) or (`type` in (20, 25) and (`user_id` = NUM))) order by `type` asc 3 Execute select * from `mailboxes` 3 Execute select * from `options` where `name` = 'send_emails_problem' limit 1 3 Execute select `mailboxes`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` from `mailboxes` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = `mailboxes`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = NUM where `mailboxes`.`id` = '3' limit 1 3 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and (`type` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) or (`type` in (?, ?) and (`user_id` = ?))) order by `type` asc 3 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = ? limit 1 3 Prepare select * from `mailboxes` 3 Prepare select * from `options` where `name` = ? limit 1 3 Prepare select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = ? and `active` = ? and `type` = ? order by `sort_order` asc 3 Prepare select `mailboxes`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` from `mailboxes` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = `mailboxes`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = ? where `mailboxes`.`id` = ? limit 1 4 Prepare select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = ? limit 1 4 Prepare update `folders` set `total_count` = ?, `active_count` = ? where `id` = ? 5 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversation_folder` inner join `conversations` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_folder`.`conversation_id` where `conversation_folder`.`folder_id` = NUM 5 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = TAG_INT and `status` in ('1', '2', '3') 5 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversation_folder` inner join `conversations` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_folder`.`conversation_id` where `conversation_folder`.`folder_id` = ? 5 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?, ?) 5 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = ? limit 1 9 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = NUM and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 9 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 10 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = NUM and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 13 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 41 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = NUM and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 41 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = NUM and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 41 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 41 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 55 Execute select * from `polycast_events` (cut off for sort and count)` 55 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` (cut off for sort and count)` 63 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = NUM limit 1 63 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 65 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 65 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 65 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 65 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 65 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 65 Query use `freescout` 67 Quit 150 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 151 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = TAG_INT and `status` in ('1', '2') 154 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = TAG_INT and `conversations`.`status` = 1 155 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 747 Close stmt ```

The file for the sql log is too long to post in this comment. I'll add it in another.

mikedov commented 5 months ago


mikedov commented 5 months ago

I am the only user using Freescout right now. These queries all ran during the 10sec it took to close the thread.

SQL log ``` /usr/bin/mysqld, Version: 10.6.7-MariaDB (Source distribution). started with: Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Time Id Command Argument 240327 22:18:08 1492802 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492802 Query use `freescout` 1492802 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492802 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492802 Close stmt 1492802 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492802 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492802 Close stmt 1492802 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492802 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 7 limit 1 1492802 Close stmt 1492802 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492802 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.7\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv.141291\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') 1492802 Close stmt 1492802 Quit 240327 22:18:09 1492803 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492803 Query use `freescout` 1492803 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492803 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492803 Close stmt 1492803 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492803 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492803 Close stmt 1492803 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492803 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492803 Close stmt 1492803 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492803 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv.139169\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.3\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') 1492803 Close stmt 1492803 Quit 1492804 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492804 Query use `freescout` 1492804 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492804 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492804 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = '139169' limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = 3 limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `users`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `users`.`id` = 1 limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = '25' limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` = ? and `status` >= ? and `last_reply_at` <= ? order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 25 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `id` <> 139169 and `status` = 1 and `status` >= 1 and `last_reply_at` <= '2024-03-25 05:12:22' order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `type` = 60 limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare update `conversations` set `folder_id` = ?, `status` = ?, `closed_by_user_id` = ?, `closed_at` = ?, `user_updated_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1492804 Execute update `conversations` set `folder_id` = 28, `status` = 3, `closed_by_user_id` = 1, `closed_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:09', `user_updated_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:09', `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:09' where `id` = 139169 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `state`, `status`, `action_type`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `customer_id`, `created_by_user_id`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1492804 Execute insert into `threads` (`conversation_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `state`, `status`, `action_type`, `source_via`, `source_type`, `customer_id`, `created_by_user_id`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (139169, NULL, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1895, 1, '2024-03-27 22:18:09', '2024-03-27 22:18:09') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = 139169 limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare update `conversations` set `read_by_user` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` = ? 1492804 Execute update `conversations` set `read_by_user` = 0, `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:09' where `id` = 139169 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null 1492804 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 25 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 25 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare update `folders` set `total_count` = ?, `active_count` = ? where `id` = ? 1492804 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 165, `active_count` = 165 where `id` = 25 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversation_folder` inner join `conversations` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_folder`.`conversation_id` where `conversation_folder`.`folder_id` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversation_folder` inner join `conversations` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_folder`.`conversation_id` where `conversation_folder`.`folder_id` = 26 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 27 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 27 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 28 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 28 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare update `folders` set `total_count` = ? where `id` = ? 1492804 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 25858 where `id` = 28 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 29 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 29 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 30 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 3 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 1 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 1 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 2 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 2 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 3 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 3 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 18 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 18 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 39 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 39 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 3 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492805 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492805 Query use `freescout` 1492805 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492805 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492805 Close stmt 1492805 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492805 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492805 Close stmt 1492805 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492805 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492805 Close stmt 1492805 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492805 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:03') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 35 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492805 Close stmt 1492805 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 35 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 13 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 13 and `status` in ('1', '2') 240327 22:18:10 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 33 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 33 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 38 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 38 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 36 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 36 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 50 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 50 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 32 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 32 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 53 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 53 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492806 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492806 Query use `freescout` 1492806 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492806 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492806 Close stmt 1492806 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492806 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492806 Close stmt 1492806 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492806 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492806 Close stmt 1492806 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492806 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:04') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:04') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:04') 1492806 Close stmt 1492806 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 27 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 27 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 47 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492807 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492807 Query use `freescout` 1492807 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492807 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492807 Close stmt 1492807 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492807 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492807 Close stmt 1492807 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492807 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 7 limit 1 1492807 Close stmt 1492807 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492807 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.7\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') 1492807 Close stmt 1492807 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 47 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 51 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492808 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492808 Query use `freescout` 1492808 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492808 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492808 Close stmt 1492808 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492808 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492808 Close stmt 1492808 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492808 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 2 limit 1 1492808 Close stmt 1492808 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492808 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.3\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') 1492808 Close stmt 1492804 Close stmt 240327 22:18:11 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 51 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492808 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 4 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 4 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492809 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492809 Query use `freescout` 1492809 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492809 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492809 Close stmt 1492809 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492809 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492809 Close stmt 1492809 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492809 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 9 limit 1 1492809 Close stmt 1492809 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492809 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.9\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') 1492809 Close stmt 1492809 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 5 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 5 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 6 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 6 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 7 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 7 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 8 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 8 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 9 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 9 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 63 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 63 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492810 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492810 Query use `freescout` 1492810 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492810 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492810 Close stmt 1492810 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492810 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492810 Close stmt 1492810 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492810 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 15 limit 1 1492810 Close stmt 1492810 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492810 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.15\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') 1492810 Close stmt 1492810 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 81 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 81 and `status` in ('1', '2', '3') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 216 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 216 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 84 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 84 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'emails' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595891) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595801)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'default' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595891) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595801)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'be0657a4d42a8fc16d1efbeb26edd2e7' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595891) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595801)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 82 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492811 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492811 Query use `freescout` 1492811 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492811 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492811 Close stmt 1492811 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492811 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492811 Close stmt 1492811 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492811 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492811 Close stmt 1492811 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492811 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:05') 1492811 Close stmt 1492811 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 82 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 329 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 329 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 13 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 13 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 14 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 14 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 15 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 15 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 16 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 16 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 19 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 19 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 23 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 23 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 24 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 24 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 26 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 26 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 27 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 27 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 134 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 134 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 32 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 32 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 36 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 36 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 39 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 39 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 171 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 240327 22:18:12 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 171 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 184 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 184 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 42 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 42 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 192 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 192 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 188 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 188 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 598 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 598 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 212 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 212 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 201 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 201 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 199 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 199 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492812 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492812 Query use `freescout` 1492812 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492812 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492812 Close stmt 1492812 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492812 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492812 Close stmt 1492812 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492812 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 5 limit 1 1492812 Close stmt 1492812 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492812 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.5\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:06') 1492812 Close stmt 1492812 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 44 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 44 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 206 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 206 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 208 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 208 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 219 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 240327 22:18:13 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 219 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 194 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 194 and `status` in ('1', '2', '3') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 223 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 223 and `status` in ('1', '2', '3') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 234 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 234 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 474 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 474 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 240 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 240 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 250 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492813 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492813 Query use `freescout` 1492813 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492813 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492813 Close stmt 1492813 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492813 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492813 Close stmt 1492813 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492813 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 7 limit 1 1492813 Close stmt 1492813 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492813 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.7\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:08') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:08') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:08') or (`channels` like '%\"conv.141291\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:08') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:08') 1492813 Close stmt 1492813 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 250 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 46 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 46 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 255 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 255 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 258 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492814 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492814 Query use `freescout` 1492814 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492814 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492814 Close stmt 1492814 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492814 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492814 Close stmt 1492814 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492814 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 27 limit 1 1492814 Close stmt 1492814 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492814 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.27\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:07') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:07') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:07') 1492814 Close stmt 1492814 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 258 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 257 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 240327 22:18:14 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 257 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 256 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 256 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 48 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 48 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 49 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 49 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 270 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 270 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 279 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492815 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492815 Query use `freescout` 1492815 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492815 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492815 Close stmt 1492815 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492815 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492815 Close stmt 1492815 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492815 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492815 Close stmt 1492815 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492815 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"conv.139169\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.3\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') 1492815 Close stmt 1492815 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 279 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 282 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 282 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 291 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 291 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 298 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 298 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 292 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 292 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 50 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 50 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 306 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492816 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492816 Query use `freescout` 1492816 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492816 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492816 Close stmt 1492816 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492816 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492816 Close stmt 1492816 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492816 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492816 Close stmt 1492816 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492816 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:09') 1492816 Close stmt 1492816 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 306 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 312 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 240327 22:18:15 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 312 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 327 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 327 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 323 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 323 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 337 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 337 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 344 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 344 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 489 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 489 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 352 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 352 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 369 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 369 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 372 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492817 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492817 Query use `freescout` 1492817 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492817 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492817 Close stmt 1492817 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492817 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492817 Close stmt 1492817 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492817 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 7 limit 1 1492817 Close stmt 1492817 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492817 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.7\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') 1492817 Close stmt 1492817 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 372 and `status` in ('1', '2') 240327 22:18:16 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 371 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 371 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 373 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 373 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 381 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 381 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492818 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492818 Query use `freescout` 1492818 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492818 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492818 Close stmt 1492818 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492818 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492818 Close stmt 1492818 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492818 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 15 limit 1 1492818 Close stmt 1492818 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492818 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.15\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') 1492818 Close stmt 1492818 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 382 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 382 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 383 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 383 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 385 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'emails' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595896) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595806)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'default' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595896) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595806)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1491627 Query START TRANSACTION 1491627 Prepare select * from `jobs` where `queue` = ? and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= ?) or (`reserved_at` <= ?)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Execute select * from `jobs` where `queue` = 'be0657a4d42a8fc16d1efbeb26edd2e7' and ((`reserved_at` is null and `available_at` <= 1711595896) or (`reserved_at` <= 1711595806)) order by `id` asc limit 1 for update 1491627 Close stmt 1491627 Query COMMIT 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 385 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 403 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492819 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492819 Query use `freescout` 1492819 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492819 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492819 Close stmt 1492819 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492819 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492819 Close stmt 1492819 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492819 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492819 Close stmt 1492819 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492819 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') 1492819 Close stmt 1492819 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 403 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 53 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 53 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 307 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 307 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 419 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 419 and `status` in ('1', '2') 240327 22:18:17 1492820 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492820 Query use `freescout` 1492820 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492820 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492820 Close stmt 1492820 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492820 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492820 Close stmt 1492820 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492820 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 2 limit 1 1492820 Close stmt 1492820 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492820 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.3\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:10') 1492820 Close stmt 1492820 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 425 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 425 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 443 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492821 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492821 Query use `freescout` 1492821 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492821 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492821 Close stmt 1492821 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492821 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492821 Close stmt 1492821 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492821 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 9 limit 1 1492821 Close stmt 1492821 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492821 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.9\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') 1492821 Close stmt 1492821 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 443 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 264 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 264 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 458 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 458 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 460 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 460 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 465 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 465 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492822 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492822 Query use `freescout` 1492822 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492822 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492822 Close stmt 1492822 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492822 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492822 Close stmt 1492822 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492822 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492822 Close stmt 1492822 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492822 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:11') 1492822 Close stmt 1492822 Quit 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 461 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 461 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 54 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 54 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 468 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 468 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 466 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 240327 22:18:18 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 466 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 476 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 476 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 480 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 480 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 484 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 484 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare update `folders` set `total_count` = ?, `active_count` = ? where `id` = ? 1492804 Execute update `folders` set `total_count` = 0, `active_count` = 0 where `id` = 834 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 487 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 487 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? and `status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 55 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 and `status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = ? and `mailbox_id` = ? and `state` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `user_id` = 55 and `mailbox_id` = 3 and `state` = 2 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `conversations`.`status` = ? 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 31 and `conversations`.`status` = 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`state` = ? and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = ? and `status` in (?, ?) 1492804 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` inner join `conversation_tag` on `conversations`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`state` = 2 and `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` = 31 and `status` in ('1', '2') 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `webhooks` 1492804 Execute select * from `webhooks` 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `users` where `email` = ? limit 1 1492804 Execute select * from `users` where `email` = '' limit 1 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = ? and `active` = ? and `type` = ? order by `sort_order` asc 1492804 Execute select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = 3 and `active` = 1 and `type` = 1 order by `sort_order` asc 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Prepare select `workflow_id`, `counter` from `conversation_workflow` where `workflow_id` in (?, ?, ?) and `conversation_id` = ? 1492804 Execute select `workflow_id`, `counter` from `conversation_workflow` where `workflow_id` in (60, 42, 64) and `conversation_id` = 139169 1492804 Close stmt 1492804 Quit 1492823 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492823 Query use `freescout` 1492823 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492823 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492823 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`id` = '139122' limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `mailboxes` where `mailboxes`.`id` = 3 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = 1895 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `users`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`, `mailbox_user`.`after_send` as `pivot_after_send`, `mailbox_user`.`hide` as `pivot_hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mute` as `pivot_mute`, `mailbox_user`.`access` as `pivot_access` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `users`.`id` = 1 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492824 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492824 Query use `freescout` 1492823 Prepare update `notifications` set `read_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `notifications`.`notifiable_id` = ? and `notifications`.`notifiable_id` is not null and `notifications`.`notifiable_type` = ? and `read_at` is null and `data` like ? order by `created_at` desc 1492824 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492824 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492823 Execute update `notifications` set `read_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:18', `updated_at` = '2024-03-27 22:18:18' where `notifications`.`notifiable_id` = 1 and `notifications`.`notifiable_id` is not null and `notifications`.`notifiable_type` = 'App\\User' and `read_at` is null and `data` like '%\"conversation_id\":139122%' order by `created_at` desc 1492824 Close stmt 1492824 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492824 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492824 Close stmt 1492824 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492824 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 5 limit 1 1492824 Close stmt 1492824 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492824 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.5\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:12') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:12') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:12') 1492824 Close stmt 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `folders`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492824 Quit 1492823 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `folders`.`id` = '25' limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `mailbox_user` where `user_id` = ? 1492823 Execute select * from `mailbox_user` where `user_id` = 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `from`, `customer_id` from `threads` where `conversation_id` = ? and `type` = ? and `from` <> ? group by `from`, `customer_id` 1492823 Execute select `from`, `customer_id` from `threads` where `conversation_id` = '139122' and `type` = 1 and `from` <> '' group by `from`, `customer_id` 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = ? and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null 1492823 Execute select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = 1895 and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `threads` where `threads`.`conversation_id` = ? and `threads`.`conversation_id` is not null order by `created_at` desc 1492823 Execute select * from `threads` where `threads`.`conversation_id` = 139122 and `threads`.`conversation_id` is not null order by `created_at` desc 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `emails`.`email`, `customers`.`first_name`, `customers`.`last_name` from `customers` inner join `emails` on `emails`.`customer_id` = `customers`.`id` where `emails`.`email` in (?) 1492823 Execute select `emails`.`email`, `customers`.`first_name`, `customers`.`last_name` from `customers` inner join `emails` on `emails`.`customer_id` = `customers`.`id` where `emails`.`email` in ('') 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `customer_id` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` != ? and `state` = ? 1492823 Execute select count(*) as aggregate from `conversations` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `customer_id` = 1895 and `id` <> 139122 and `status` != 4 and `state` = 2 1492825 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492825 Query use `freescout` 1492823 Close stmt 1492825 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492825 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492825 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `conversations`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `customer_id` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` != ? and `state` = ? order by `created_at` desc limit 5 offset 0 1492823 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `conversations`.`mailbox_id` is not null and `customer_id` = 1895 and `id` <> 139122 and `status` != 4 and `state` = 2 order by `created_at` desc limit 5 offset 0 1492825 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492825 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492825 Close stmt 1492825 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492825 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 7 limit 1 1492825 Close stmt 1492825 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492825 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.7\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"conv.141291\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"mailbox.2\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') 1492825 Close stmt 1492825 Quit 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare delete from `polycast_events` where `created_at` < ? 1492823 Execute delete from `polycast_events` where `created_at` < '2024-03-27 22:16:18' 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare insert into `polycast_events` (`channels`, `event`, `payload`, `created_at`) values (?, ?, ?, ?) 1492823 Execute insert into `polycast_events` (`channels`, `event`, `payload`, `created_at`) values ('[{\"name\":\"conv\"}]', 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView', '{\"conversation_id\":139122,\"user_id\":1,\"user_photo_url\":\"\",\"user_initials\":\"ML\",\"user_name\":\"Mike Lodispoto\",\"replying\":0,\"socket\":null}', '2024-03-27 22:18:18') 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `followers` where `followers`.`conversation_id` = ? and `followers`.`conversation_id` is not null 1492823 Execute select * from `followers` where `followers`.`conversation_id` = 139122 and `followers`.`conversation_id` is not null 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = ? and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and (`type` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) or (`type` in (?, ?) and (`user_id` = ?))) order by `type` asc 1492823 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`mailbox_id` = 3 and `folders`.`mailbox_id` is not null and (`type` in (1, 30, 40, 60, 80, 70, 200, 180, 185) or (`type` in (20, 25) and (`user_id` = 1))) order by `type` asc 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = ? and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `emails` where `emails`.`customer_id` = 1895 and `emails`.`customer_id` is not null limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = ? and `active` = ? and `type` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `workflows` where `mailbox_id` = 3 and `active` = 1 and `type` = 2 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `mailboxes` 1492823 Execute select * from `mailboxes` 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide` from `users` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? where `role` = ? 1492823 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide` from `users` left join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 where `role` = 2 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? 1492823 Execute select `users`.*, `mailbox_user`.`hide`, `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` as `pivot_mailbox_id`, `mailbox_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `users`.`id` = `mailbox_user`.`user_id` where `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `users` where `status` = ? and `email` like ? and `last_name` = ? 1492823 Execute select * from `users` where `status` = 3 and `email` like 'fsteam%' and `last_name` = 'Team' 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `users`.`id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = ? where 0 = 1 1492823 Execute select `users`.`id` from `users` inner join `mailbox_user` on `mailbox_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` and `mailbox_user`.`mailbox_id` = 3 where 0 = 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = '25' limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` <= ? and `last_reply_at` >= ? order by `status` desc, `last_reply_at` asc limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 25 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `id` <> 139122 and `status` <= 1 and `last_reply_at` >= '2024-03-25 00:57:24' order by `status` desc, `last_reply_at` asc limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `folders` where `folders`.`id` = '25' limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = ? and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = ? and `id` <> ? and `status` >= ? and `last_reply_at` <= ? order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `conversations` where `conversations`.`folder_id` = 25 and `conversations`.`folder_id` is not null and `state` = 2 and `id` <> 139122 and `status` >= 1 and `last_reply_at` <= '2024-03-25 00:57:24' order by `status` asc, `last_reply_at` desc limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `tags`.*, `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` as `pivot_conversation_id`, `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` as `pivot_tag_id` from `tags` inner join `conversation_tag` on `tags`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` where `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` = ? 1492823 Execute select `tags`.*, `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` as `pivot_conversation_id`, `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` as `pivot_tag_id` from `tags` inner join `conversation_tag` on `tags`.`id` = `conversation_tag`.`tag_id` where `conversation_tag`.`conversation_id` = 139122 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `users` where `users`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `users` where `users`.`id` = 23 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `id`, `state`, `meta` from `threads` where `conversation_id` = ? and `type` = ? 1492823 Execute select `id`, `state`, `meta` from `threads` where `conversation_id` = 139122 and `type` = 2 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `custom_signatures` where `custom_signatures`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `custom_signatures` where `custom_signatures`.`id` = 0 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `custom_signatures` where `mailbox_id` = ? 1492823 Execute select * from `custom_signatures` where `mailbox_id` = 3 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select `id`, `name`, `parent_saved_reply_id`, `sort_order` from `saved_replies` where `mailbox_id` = ? 1492823 Execute select `id`, `name`, `parent_saved_reply_id`, `sort_order` from `saved_replies` where `mailbox_id` = 3 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Prepare select * from `users` where `users`.`id` = ? limit 1 1492823 Execute select * from `users` where `users`.`id` = 23 limit 1 1492823 Close stmt 1492823 Quit 240327 22:18:19 1492826 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492826 Query use `freescout` 1492826 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492826 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492826 Close stmt 1492826 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492826 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492826 Close stmt 1492826 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492826 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492826 Close stmt 1492826 Quit 1492827 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492827 Query use `freescout` 1492827 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492827 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492827 Close stmt 1492827 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492827 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492827 Close stmt 1492827 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492827 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 27 limit 1 1492827 Close stmt 1492827 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492827 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.27\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:13') 1492827 Close stmt 1492827 Quit 1492828 Connect freescout@ on freescout using TCP/IP 1492828 Query use `freescout` 1492828 Prepare set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492828 Execute set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' 1492828 Close stmt 1492828 Prepare set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492828 Execute set session sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' 1492828 Close stmt 1492828 Prepare select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1 1492828 Execute select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1 1492828 Close stmt 1492828 Prepare select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) or (`channels` like ? and `event` = ? and `created_at` >= ?) 1492828 Execute select * from `polycast_events` where (`channels` like '%\"private-App.User.1\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:14') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:14') or (`channels` like '%\"conv\"%' and `event` = 'App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish' and `created_at` >= '2024-03-27 22:18:14') 1492828 Close stmt 1492828 Quit 240327 22:18:20 1492735 Query SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF' ```
freescout-helpdesk commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately there is no way to figure out your issue just by reading SQL-queries. You may need to find someone who can check it on your server.