freeseek / getmydnamatches

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Ancestry API auth is broken #3

Open cmflynn opened 3 years ago

cmflynn commented 3 years ago

The login func trys to set a cookie with a key of ATT which no longer appears to be returned from a successful ancestry login post request. I would like to fix myself but am not sure which cookie is required to maintain the auth state for the following requests.. and could not any find ancestry API docs. Any plans to look into this?

EDIT: Looks like the login route itself not longer works either. Funnily enough ancestry returns a 200 on but if you inspect the response its just HTML of the login page. Looks like this repo is beyond a few quick hacks to get it working again.

EDIT2: Was able to get past login by logging in manually, copying the 'secureATT' cookie and passing that to getUrl func.

freeseek commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately Ancestry changes these APIs fairly often, so it turned out that getting code to do this in the long term is a pointless effort. :-(