After I install bcftools, I follow the README document and run the following code, but there is a error message.
path_to_output_folder="..." cel_list_file="..." apt-probeset-genotype \ --analysis-files-path . \ --xml-file GenomeWideSNP_6.apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml \ --out-dir $path_to_output_folder \ --cel-files $cel_list_file \ --special-snps GenomeWideSNP_6.specialSNPs \ --chip-type GenomeWideEx_6 \ --chip-type GenomeWideSNP_6 \ --table-output false \ --cc-chp-output \ --write-models \ --read-models-brlmmp GenomeWideSNP_6.generic_prior.txt
The question is that what software should be install when use [apt-probeset-genotype]?
After I install bcftools, I follow the README document and run the following code, but there is a error message.
path_to_output_folder="..." cel_list_file="..." apt-probeset-genotype \ --analysis-files-path . \ --xml-file GenomeWideSNP_6.apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml \ --out-dir $path_to_output_folder \ --cel-files $cel_list_file \ --special-snps GenomeWideSNP_6.specialSNPs \ --chip-type GenomeWideEx_6 \ --chip-type GenomeWideSNP_6 \ --table-output false \ --cc-chp-output \ --write-models \ --read-models-brlmmp GenomeWideSNP_6.generic_prior.txt
The question is that what software should be install when use [apt-probeset-genotype]?