I am new to using bcftools +liftover, I want to liftOver from hg38 to hg19.
However, I get the error:
"Error: the reference allele GT does not match the reference NN at..."
I converted my data from bed/bim/fam to VCF using PLINK.
I then ran:
bcftools +liftover -Ov input_vcf.vcf -- -s human_1kg_v37.fasta -f GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna -c hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz | bcftools sort -Ov -o chr22_vcf_hg19.vcf
Please could you let me know how I can resolve this error?
PLINK does not generate conforming VCFs. You might want to try to fix your VCF with BCFtools/fixref (bcftools +fixref) and BCFtools/norm (bcftools norm --check-ref x) to make sure that your VCF file is conforming
I am new to using bcftools +liftover, I want to liftOver from hg38 to hg19. However, I get the error: "Error: the reference allele GT does not match the reference NN at..."
I converted my data from bed/bim/fam to VCF using PLINK. I then ran: bcftools +liftover -Ov input_vcf.vcf -- -s human_1kg_v37.fasta -f GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna -c hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz | bcftools sort -Ov -o chr22_vcf_hg19.vcf
Please could you let me know how I can resolve this error?
Thank you