freespek / solarkraft

Solakraft: a runtime monitoring tool for Soroban, powered by TLA+ and Apalache
Apache License 2.0
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working fetcher CLI #60

Closed konnov closed 1 month ago

konnov commented 1 month ago

This PR adds relatively small changes on top of #55. The fetcher is fetching the transactions and saving them in the storage. For example:

$ solarkraft fetch --rpc --id CC22QGTOUMERDNIYN7TPNX3V6EMPHQXVSRR3XY56EADF7YTFISD2ROND --height 1638368
Last cached height: 1638598
Fetching fresh transactions from:
Fetching the ledger for 1638368
Fetching transactions indefinitely. Close with Ctrl-C.
+ save: 1638369
+ save: 1638371
+ save: 1638370
+ save: 1638372
+ save: 1638373
+ save: 1638374
+ save: 1638375
+ save: 1638376
+ save: 1638378
+ save: 1638377
+ save: 1638379
+ save: 1638380
+ save: 1638381
+ save: 1638382
+ save: 1638383
= at: 1638412
= at: 1638456

I will add an integration test for the above later today.