freespek / solarkraft

Solakraft: a runtime monitoring tool for Soroban, powered by TLA+ and Apalache
Apache License 2.0
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Alert contract draft #68

Closed Kukovec closed 1 month ago

Kukovec commented 1 month ago

First step towards #67

We should understand if this is the interface we want from the Alert contract or if we want to go in a different direction.

konnov commented 1 month ago

Do we want one alert contract per monitored contract?

Yeah, that would be nice, but how would we discover this alert contract? We would need a repository contract then?

Kukovec commented 1 month ago

Yeah, that would be nice, but how would we discover this alert contract? We would need a repository contract then?

You could do this with N+1 contracts: a central AlertDispatcher, which gets called by solarkraft, and delegates further to the individual AlertForX contract associated with a particular monitored contract X

konnov commented 1 month ago

Yeah, that would be nice, but how would we discover this alert contract? We would need a repository contract then?

You could do this with N+1 contracts: a central AlertDispatcher, which gets called by solarkraft, and delegates further to the individual AlertForX contract associated with a particular monitored contract X

Let's keep things simple for this phase. One alert contract for everything.