freethlua / individualogist-whats-your-archetype
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Insertion of tracking codes #30

Open zhixinlin opened 7 years ago

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

Tried to insert the tracking links on my own but I figured it would be best not to fiddle with anything. Could you help me out with inserting the following tracking codes?

And when you have the time, please brief me on how we'll be able to add/remove/change these codes on our own in the future, along with amendments to timestamped scripts (e.g. adding images or changing timings). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing all we have to do is use the same format in the txt files we've used and the same javascript, and the js timestamped file will be autogenerated.

Thanks so much!

freethlua commented 7 years ago

Tracking codes should be added now, please test them out and let me know.

Will update on how to edit stuff in #31

freethlua commented 7 years ago

Reopening due to #33. The tracking codes are still added and should be working but since routing has been added it would be better to re-init tracking for each route for better data analysis.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

What do you mean by re init tracking for each route?

freethlua commented 7 years ago

Since it's a single-page-app (changing paths doesn't trigger a reload), the tracking code currently only executes on first load therefore you might only see results coming from a single url (either / or whichever was the page linked to). Re-initializing on every route should give you separate analytics data for each path.

wilsonljx commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth

Aaron here. Currently we're measuring conversions on Facebook through page visits, i.e. if a visitor lands on the thank you page of the form, it's counted as a conversion. I'm not sure how we can configure this by re-initializing routes. Any ideas?

FB custom conversion documentation:

freethlua commented 7 years ago

Could you share facebook account details? (email: I've very little experience on how campaigning works from your/business side and it would help to gain a perspective.

In any case, my current understanding (and plan) is, and I might be wrong, is to just make the tracking code behave (re-initialize) as if it were added a-fresh whenever the route changes, hoping that the tracking code manages to do the right thing on its own (as it probably would have were it added on separate pages in a multi-page website).

I didn't think this would've been a problem until your last comment, which is why I think I might need to gain a better perspective on the Facebook campaigning from your side.

The page you linked to talks about "custom conversions". I'm assuming you're using that.

if a visitor lands on the thank you page of the form

Again, I'm assuming you have set up "URL rules"* to link a "thank you" page to a "conversion" event?

*just using the terminology from the page you linked, without knowing in full details what it means, but it sounds self-explanatory

I would want to actually see this. Because currently I don't think there's any "thank you" page in this app. The /intro page that displays the Aweber form doesn't redirect to "thank you" page (is that what was expected?) instead it just redirects to the same page with a query string ?aweberSuccess=<som-token>. Let me know is this should actually have been something like /thank-you.

freethlua commented 7 years ago

BTW, in case of a redirect from the Aweber form the app actually does re-load. If that's the only time that running facebook metric was necessary then it probably didn't need to re-init on every route change anyways.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

Have added your account. Let me know if the privileges set are sufficient enough to find what you're looking for.

The gist of it is pretty simple, Facebook's conversion pixel has been installed throughout our wp site, and we just need to set the conversion to the right URL as the "thank you" page. This can be seen under Custom Conversions. In the case of the quiz app, the thank you page would be the video slider. We don't necessarily have to measure conversions for all 12 individual archetypes, we just need to be able to measure the overall conversion rate for the quiz as a whole - regardless of the results (conversion rate being a percentage of people who opted in to get their free reading).

I'm not sure if a query string will fire the pixel as a conversion, we haven't had the opportunity to test this out.

Let me know what you find. Thanks, Freeth!

freethlua commented 7 years ago

That didn't help much I'm afraid. Like I said I have little experience in campaigning (or facebook for that matter, I don't even use it) so I might be out of my depth here. I couldn't find what I was looking for or expecting to find.

I'm following the instructions in the link you gave above which says:

To create a custom conversion: 1. Go to your [custom conversions]( section 2. Click Create Custom Conversion.

The custom conversions link takes me to a page that looks like this:


I don't find anything there with which I could continue with the rest of the steps.

Any ideas? Is this an insufficient privileges issue? I also don't see anything related to "indivialogist" at all.

In any case,

Facebook's conversion pixel has been installed throughout our wp site, and we just need to set the conversion to the right URL as the "thank you" page.

I'll look into what WP Facebook plugin does and see if just adding a "thank you" page would solve this.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

You're in your personal account which is why the conversion pixels aren't showing up, you'll have to navigate to here:

And then select "The Riche Group" or "Individualogist", not sure which is the one that's showing up for you.


You'll then go into ad account "Individualogist"


Clicking on the menu on the top left will reveal a drop down, and then go into custom conversions > Archetype Quiz Conversion DAR 3, that's the pixel we're using to fire quiz conversions


So from the screenshot above, you'll see that conversions are counted when a user lands on any one of these pages:,,,,,,,,,,

Those are the "thank you" pages that are used in our current quiz, respective to each archetype:

If you refer to our current quiz, immediately after opting in, they will be taken to the "[archetype]-reading-3" page, which fires the facebook pixel because of the rule set in the custom conversion

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Which means to say, in order to measure conversions for, we'll probably need a specific route/URL for the results - a page that is only accessible by completing the quiz and opting into our aweber form. I'm guessing that in order to do this, we'll have to set to be our "thank you" page in Facebook's custom conversions. We have yet to test this, but we just need to be sure that we're able to track quiz conversions

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

Let's mark this as a non-priority issue for now. In the mean time we can work on the other tasks while I look into the conversion pixel. Will give you an update about it tomorrow. Thanks!

freethlua commented 7 years ago

I'm not seeing "The Riche Group" or "Individualogist". Am I looking for it in the right place?


freethlua commented 7 years ago

Based on a hunch, could you just add "" to the URL list, that might make it work.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

That's what we've done and the pixel is recognized, but we'll have to run an ad campaign first to make it fire. So this issue is pretty much solved for now. There's just a slight chance we'll have to reopen it if the conversions aren't firing, but we're good for now. Thanks!

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

Facebook pixel is working fine, ironically, it's clickmagick's tracking that's having issues.

What's happening is that the clickmagick pixel is firing multiple times (our conversion rate works up to 110% of unique clicks).

Could you look into this for us? Perhaps the pixels aren't placed correctly or there's a conflict of some sort going on.

We could also change everything to just one tracking pixel. We don't need to know the conversion rates for each archetype, as long as we know the conversion rate of the overall quiz, we should be fine.

Let me know what you find. Thanks!

freethlua commented 7 years ago

I've made some changes and it should work correctly now.

clickmagick pixel is firing multiple times (our conversion rate works up to 110% of unique clicks).

Could you elaborate how this works on your end? Any additional info about routes/paths associated with clicks? How does the figure 110 get calculated?

Since it's a dynamic app, the actual HTML elements (clickmagic image element in this case) may be added or removed from the page multiple times depending on how many time any changes occur. This isn't a problem for other elements because you only care about what gets rendered finally and not anything in between, but in this case it's firing multiple times every time it gets rendered.

It would be nicer if they had a Javascript API that I could use to call depending on which stage or route I am in in the app. I don't have much control over how many times an element gets rendered.

We could also change everything to just one tracking pixel.

Facebook tracking code currently lies outside of the app so it's free from issues of being rerendered multiple times. I was however actually looking into moving it inside the app and controlling it for every route, as you recall earlier. But if keeping tracking outside the app works better I can employ this strategy for clickimage as well. The only reason it's currently inside the app is because it needs the archetype data which is only available inside the app.

Although please do checkout whether the changes I have made for now work or not. I've put a hard limit that clickimage may only be rendered once in the apps lifecycle, since it doesn't have to be visible I think getting rendered just once would be enough to trigger the tracking request. Let me know hoe it goes.

wilsonljx commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

I just reset the tracking and it seems like it's still firing multiple times.

You can just insert the tracking code once so that it doesn't fires multiple times.

screen shot 2017-07-13 at 9 03 16 pm
freethlua commented 7 years ago

Please try again. It's gonna be tricky without me being able to see the results quickly myself, so might take a few tries.

Also could you please give me more info on how this works on your end? Any additional info about routes/paths associated with each time it fires? What do those numbers mean?

freethlua commented 7 years ago

We could also change everything to just one tracking pixel.

If this is possible, please do. If you can give me just one URL (independent of archetype info) then I can make it behave exactly like facebook tracking code (which is working fine I presume).

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

ACR stands for action conversion rates, where an action in our case is someone landing on the video reading after entering their name an e-mail. The pixel is fired when the user lands on the page with the pixel. It is measured as a percentage of unique clicks.

From what I understand, as long as the page with the pixel loads for the user, it will be fired. Perhaps more than one pixel has been placed on the video reading page. I believe the pixel fires regardless of routes. As long as the pixel is found within the body tag, it will be fired.

One possibility is that people are landing on from our follow ups and not from the quiz, and since the pixel is already present within the code, the pixel is firing from those visits, which inflates the conversion rate.

Here's what we can try.

Please use the following tracking pixel:

Add the pixel into the body tags of the archetype video reading page, but not any where else. So let's consider the following scenarios:

  1. User takes quiz, performs action, gets taken to reading ( = PIXEL
  2. User receives e-mail followup with link to (, since browser has cached their data, they will be taken to the video reading page again, but this needs to be treated differently = NO PIXEL
  3. User receives another e-mail follow up with link to ([name]&archetype=[archetype]) = NO PIXEL

So only the only time the pixel should be present is in scenario 1. I'm not sure if this is possible, but perhaps this will give you a better understanding of what's happening.

Let me know what you believe to be the best solution. Thanks Freeth, and so sorry for this whole fiasco. Never expected tracking to be such a huge problem.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Tracking Pixel:<img src="" height="1" width="1" />

It's pretty much the same, just without a reference id. I believe the key to this problem should be the positioning of the pixel. But we'll omit the archetype-based tracking to make things simpler

freethlua commented 7 years ago

My earlier implementation didn't match the scenarios you described, now it does. Please try again.

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

It seems to be working fine now, thanks a lot for your help!

zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Hi Freeth,

We're having a little trouble with Facebook's conversions. The numbers showing don't seem to be reflecting accurately, and we have no idea why.

But I believe there's something we can try.

Here's another option for us to track quiz conversions for Facebook:

"If a website action doesn't take a person to a new page, the event should be sent when the inline action happens. Ex: A person clicks a 'Submit Order' button. In this case, add the event code to HTML elements, such as buttons."

<!-- The below method uses jQuery, but that is not required -->
<button id="startReadingButton">Start My Free Reading!</button>
<!-- Add event to the button's click handler -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$( '#startReadingButton' ).click(function() {
  fbq('track', 'Lead', {
    value: 0.00,
    currency: 'USD'

Could you assist us with adding this event code to the click handler of all "Start My Reading" buttons on the opt-in pages, while retaining the existing styling of the button?

This will trigger conversions as the number of times the button was clicked, instead of the number of people that landed on the free reading video slider. I believe this will be far more accurate.

Thanks Freeth!

freethlua commented 7 years ago


zhixinlin commented 7 years ago

Seems fine now, thanks Freeth!

freethlua commented 6 years ago

Reopening. Dependent on #69