freetronics / DMD

Arduino library to support the Freetronics Dot Matrix Display
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P10 showing ramdom number #22

Open frinks opened 1 year ago

frinks commented 1 year ago

I am using the following code to display characters on P10 LED but what is happening is sometimes the code hangs or sometimes it shows random characters. I have with serial monitor that the socket is being received perfectly.





include "SystemFont5x7.h"

include "Arial_black_16.h"


// Fire up the DMD library as dmd

define BELT_ID "TLM-1"

IPAddress ip(192, 168, 69, 170); // Static IP address byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xAA}; // MAC address of your Arduino





String belt_ids; String belt_id_1; String belt_id_2; String count; String bag_limit; String vehicle_desctiption; String receivedData; String resultant;

char delimiter = '/'; char response[5]; char resultantChar[MAX_CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE]; char vehicleDesctiptionChar[MAX_CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE]; char receivedDataChar[MAX_CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE];

bool is_screen_value_updated = false; bool is_screen_cleared = false;

int serverPort = 1234; // Port number of the server int index_of_delimiter; int resultantCharSize = 0; int vehicleDesctiptionCharSize = 0; unsigned long previousPingTime = 0; const unsigned long pingInterval = 5000; // 5 seconds in milliseconds unsigned long currentMillis;

int bytesRead = 0;

IPAddress serverIP(192, 168, 69, 150); // IP address of the server IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 69, 1); // Gateway IP address IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // Subnet mask

EthernetClient client;

/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt handler for Timer1 (TimerOne) driven DMD refresh scanning, this gets called at the period set in Timer1.initialize(); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ void ScanDMD() { dmd.scanDisplayBySPI(); }

int getFreeMemory() { extern int heap_start, *brkval; int v; return (int)&v - (brkval == 0 ? (int)&__heap_start : (int)brkval); }

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);

// Initialize Ethernet library // Ethernet.begin(mac); Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, gateway, subnet);

// Wait for Ethernet to be initialized delay(1000);

Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP());

Serial.println("Connecting to server..."); // Connect to the server connectToServer();

// initialize TimerOne's interrupt/CPU usage used to scan and refresh the display Timer1.initialize(5000); // period in microseconds to call ScanDMD. Anything longer than 5000 (5ms) and you can see flicker. Timer1.attachInterrupt(ScanDMD); // attach the Timer1 interrupt to ScanDMD which goes to dmd.scanDisplayBySPI()

// clear/init the DMD pixels held in RAM dmd.clearScreen(false); delay(5000); dmd.clearScreen(true); // true is normal (all pixels off), false is negative (all pixels on)

dmd.drawBox(0, 0, (32 DISPLAYS_ACROSS) - 1, (16 DISPLAYS_DOWN) - 1, GRAPHICS_NORMAL); dmd.selectFont(SystemFont5x7); }

void loop() { int freeMem = getFreeMemory();

Serial.print("Free Memory: "); Serial.print(freeMem); Serial.println(" bytes");

if (is_screen_value_updated) { dmd.selectFont(SystemFont5x7); resultant = count + "/" + bag_limit; resultantCharSize = resultant.length() + 1; resultant.toCharArray(resultantChar, resultantCharSize); dmd.drawString(5, 2, resultantChar, resultantCharSize, GRAPHICS_NORMAL);

vehicleDesctiptionCharSize = vehicle_desctiption.length() + 1;
vehicle_desctiption.toCharArray(vehicleDesctiptionChar, vehicleDesctiptionCharSize);
dmd.drawString(2, 1 + 16, vehicleDesctiptionChar, vehicleDesctiptionCharSize, GRAPHICS_NORMAL);
is_screen_value_updated = false;

} if(is_screen_cleared){ dmd.clearScreen(true); // true is normal (all pixels off), false is negative (all pixels on)

dmd.drawBox(0, 0, (32 * DISPLAYS_ACROSS) - 1, (16 * DISPLAYS_DOWN) - 1, GRAPHICS_NORMAL);
is_screen_cleared = false;

} currentMillis = millis(); if (client.connected()) { // Client is connected if (client.available()) { previousPingTime = currentMillis; // Update the last ping time // Read the data from the server until a . character is encountered receivedData = client.readStringUntil('.'); receivedData.toCharArray(receivedDataChar, receivedData.length() + 1);

  // Split the string
  char *token = strtok(receivedDataChar, &delimiter);
  while (token != NULL)
    if (token[0] == 'b')
      belt_ids = String(token).substring(2);
      index_of_delimiter = belt_ids.indexOf(',');
      belt_id_1=belt_ids.substring(0, index_of_delimiter);
      if(belt_id_1!=BELT_ID && belt_id_2!=BELT_ID){
    if (token[0] == 'c' && strncmp(token, "clear", sizeof("clear") - 1) == 0){
      is_screen_cleared = true;
    if (token[0] == 'c')
      is_screen_value_updated = true;
      count = String(token).substring(2);

    else if (token[0] == 'l')
      is_screen_value_updated = true;
      bag_limit = String(token).substring(2);

      is_screen_value_updated = true;
      vehicle_desctiption = String(token).substring(2);

    // Get the next token
    token = strtok(NULL, &delimiter);
// Check for server responsiveness every pingInterval milliseconds
if (currentMillis - previousPingTime >= pingInterval) {
  previousPingTime = currentMillis; // Update the last ping time
  if (!pingServer()) {
    // Server not responsive, handle disconnection
    client.stop(); // Disconnect the client

} else { // Client is disconnected Serial.println("Server disconnected!");

// Attempt to reconnect to the server

} delay(100); }

void connectToServer() { Serial.println("Connecting to server..."); // Connect to the server if (client.connect(serverIP, serverPort)) { Serial.println("Connected!"); } else { Serial.println("Connection failed!"); // Retry connection after a delay delay(1000); } }

bool pingServer() { client.print("PING\n"); // Send a ping request delay(100); // Wait for a response

bytesRead = 0;

while (client.available() && bytesRead < sizeof(response)) { response[bytesRead++] =; } response[bytesRead] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the response array return strcmp(response, "PONG") == 0; // Check if response is as expected }

Can you please enlighten me on the issue