As a LAOS staker I want a pallet to offer staking capabilities so that I am able to stake
I am more than happy mimicking the staking pattern by Moonbeam, but making sure that the total supply remains constant, as detailed in our tokenomics
Using extrinsics, I can delegate any amount of stake above a set minimum to any collator I choose.
Periodically (at the same pace as in Moonbeam) the rewards that the collator gets are distributed proportionally to stake amount, discounting commission
The collator can use extrinsics to set the commission charged
As a LAOS staker I want a pallet to offer staking capabilities so that I am able to stake I am more than happy mimicking the staking pattern by Moonbeam, but making sure that the total supply remains constant, as detailed in our tokenomics
References: One account can select one single collator