freevryheid / duckdb

fortran bindings to duckdb c api
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hugeint type #41

Closed ludnic closed 1 year ago

ludnic commented 1 year ago

The hugeint does not work correctly. All the tests involving hugeint are not passing (with value and appender functions). I have not managed to find the issue so far.

See for example

ludnic commented 1 year ago

Interesting, looking in the second example from the comment above I have noticed that if I remove the helper function to access hugeint this works. So the problem is with the helper function but I haven't figured why. The integer casting seems to be alright and removing the initialisation does not change things.

          type(duckdb_hugeint) :: hi 
          hi = duckdb_value_hugeint_(result, 0_c_int64_t, 1_c_int64_t)
          ! hi = duckdb_value_hugeint(result, 0, 1)
          print*, types(i), hi%lower, hi%upper, duckdb_hugeint_to_double(hi)
          call check(error, duckdb_hugeint_to_double(hi) == 1, &
            trim(types(i))//": 1 hugeint")
          if (allocated(error)) return        
        end block 


 TINYINT                     1                    0   1.0000000000000000     
 SMALLINT                    1                    0   1.0000000000000000     
 INTEGER                     1                    0   1.0000000000000000     
 BIGINT                      1                    0   1.0000000000000000     
 HUGEINT                     1                    0   1.0000000000000000   

while the helper function gives:

 TINYINT                     0                    0   0.0000000000000000     
ludnic commented 1 year ago

This and a similar issue with value_decimal function were due to a typo in calling the interface functions. now fixed.