freezy / android-xbmcremote-sandbox

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exceptions when swiping down to sync #18

Closed ronasimi closed 10 years ago

ronasimi commented 10 years ago

I'm building using android studio 0.4.5 on arch linux. I have my xbmc install listening on port 3737, and the remote did not find the xbmc instance. manual configuration seemed to work, but when I swipe down to sync:

02-18 09:24:21.464 8693-8742/ E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[ConnectionService]
Process:, PID: 8693
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(

Not running in emulator, running on my phone w/ CM 11.0, my own custom build of CM

freezy commented 10 years ago

Can you please post logcat of let's say 10 lines before the exception? Also I'd need to know which XBMC version you're running.

ronasimi commented 10 years ago

XBMC is 12.2 on openelec.

02-18 10:51:37.672  17578-17578/ I/PullToRefreshAttacher﹕ Given null options so using default options.
02-18 10:51:37.692  17578-17578/ W/Resources﹕ Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x4/d=0x3f800000 a=2 r=0x7f0b00b7}
02-18 10:51:37.702  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:36537112
02-18 10:51:37.752  17578-17604/ V/AudioProvider﹕ query(uri=content://, proj=[albums._id, album_id, album_title, album_year, artist_title, album_thumbnail])
02-18 10:51:38.083  17578-17578/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 10:51:38.083  17578-17578/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 10:51:38.083  17578-17578/ I/Adreno200-EGL﹕ <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: Iabe52cfaeae4c5fab1acacfe6f056ba15fa93274
02-18 10:51:38.083  17578-17578/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 10:51:38.093  17578-17578/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 10:51:38.133  17578-17578/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 10:51:38.133  17578-17578/ D/OpenGLRenderer﹕ Enabling debug mode 0
02-18 10:51:38.133  17578-17578/ W/ViewRootImpl﹕ Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=36536620, downTime=36536620, deviceId=5, source=0x101 }
02-18 10:51:38.363  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41e083a0 time:36537787
02-18 10:51:38.363  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41a2f230 time:36537787
02-18 10:51:41.015  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:36540434
02-18 10:51:41.106  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step1WelcomeFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:41.106  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step1WelcomeFragment manually.
02-18 10:51:41.126  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2aSearchingFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:41.126  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step2aSearchingFragment manually.
02-18 10:51:41.276  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41e55bb0 time:36540697
02-18 10:51:42.267  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2aSearchingFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:42.267  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step2aSearchingFragment manually.
02-18 10:51:42.517  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2aSearchingFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:42.557  17578-17649/ I/DiscoveryService﹕ Discovering XBMC hosts through
02-18 10:51:42.557  17578-17649/ D/DiscoveryService﹕ Multicast lock acquired.
02-18 10:51:43.578  17578-17649/ D/DiscoveryService﹕ Multicast lock released.
02-18 10:51:43.588  17578-17578/ D/Step2aSearchingFragment﹕ Got event from bus: Finished.
02-18 10:51:43.588  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2bNothingFoundFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:43.588  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step2bNothingFoundFragment manually.
02-18 10:51:43.838  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2bNothingFoundFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:45.470  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step4AllDoneFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:45.470  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step4AllDoneFragment manually.
02-18 10:51:45.520  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2aSearchingFragment from cache.
02-18 10:51:45.520  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step2aSearchingFragment manually.
02-18 10:52:12.586  17578-17962/ I/JsonApiRequest﹕ POST request:
02-18 10:52:12.586  17578-17962/ I/JsonApiRequest﹕ POST entity:{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"-3995426411096390906","method":"JSONRPC.Ping"}
02-18 10:52:12.606  17578-17962/ E/ApiException﹕ Server says "401 Unauthorized". Server says "401 Unauthorized".
02-18 10:52:21.955  17578-18035/ I/JsonApiRequest﹕ POST request:
02-18 10:52:21.955  17578-18035/ I/JsonApiRequest﹕ POST entity:{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"-3995426411096390906","method":"JSONRPC.Ping"}
02-18 10:52:21.965  17578-18035/ I/JsonApiRequest﹕ POST response: {"id":"-3995426411096390906","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"pong"}
02-18 10:52:23.927  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step2aSearchingFragment from cache.
02-18 10:52:23.927  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step2aSearchingFragment manually.
02-18 10:52:23.937  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step4AllDoneFragment from cache.
02-18 10:52:23.937  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step4AllDoneFragment manually.
02-18 10:52:24.228  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step4AllDoneFragment from cache.
02-18 10:52:24.248  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Getting fragment Step1WelcomeFragment from cache.
02-18 10:52:24.248  17578-17578/ D/FragmentStateManager﹕ Nothing found, instantiating Step1WelcomeFragment manually.
02-18 10:52:24.248  17578-17578/ I/Step4AllDoneFragment﹕ Addding host " -" to account manager.
02-18 10:52:24.528  17578-17589/ W/Binder﹕ Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
    java.lang.SecurityException: no permission to read the sync settings: Neither user 10096 nor current process has android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS.
            at android.os.Parcel.readException(
            at android.os.Parcel.readException(
            at android.content.IContentService$Stub$Proxy.getIsSyncable(
            at android.content.ContentResolver.getIsSyncable(
            at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$ISyncAdapterImpl.startSync(
            at android.content.ISyncAdapter$Stub.onTransact(
            at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
            at Method)
02-18 10:52:25.499  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:36584912
02-18 10:52:25.669  17578-17578/ I/PullToRefreshAttacher﹕ Given null options so using default options.
02-18 10:52:25.669  17578-17578/ W/Resources﹕ Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x4/d=0x3f800000 a=2 r=0x7f0b00b7}
02-18 10:52:25.689  17578-18215/ V/AudioProvider﹕ query(uri=content://, proj=[albums._id, album_id, album_title, album_year, artist_title, album_thumbnail])
02-18 10:52:25.979  17578-17578/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@4215dd08 time:36585390
02-18 10:52:27.190  17578-17578/ D/HomeActivity﹕ Triggered refresh in 7ms.
02-18 10:52:27.210  17578-17578/ D/SyncService﹕ Starting SyncService...
02-18 10:52:27.210  17578-17578/ D/SyncService﹕ Starting quering...
02-18 10:52:27.221  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Starting and binding service...
02-18 10:52:27.231  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Saving post data for later.
02-18 10:52:27.251  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionService﹕ Connection service bound to new client.
02-18 10:52:27.251  17578-18356/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Starting TCP client for
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Connected to service.
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ D/ConnectionManager﹕ Posting pending handled call AudioLibrary.GetArtists...
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Posted handled API call service.
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Registered new client.
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Done!
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Sending new handled API call..
02-18 10:52:27.261  17578-17578/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Quering for later.
02-18 10:52:27.281  17578-18356/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Connected and writer setup.
02-18 10:52:27.281  17578-18356/ I/ConnectionService﹕ Connected to TCP socket in 26ms
02-18 10:52:27.281  17578-17578/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Got message: 4
02-18 10:52:27.281  17578-18358/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Sending data to server.
02-18 10:52:27.281  17578-18358/ D/ConnectionService﹕ REQUEST: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"7154656162016742991","method":"AudioLibrary.GetArtists"}
02-18 10:52:27.311  17578-18356/ I/ConnectionService﹕ READ: {"id":"7154656162016742991","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"limits":{"end":0,"start":...
02-18 10:52:27.311  17578-18356/ D/ArtistHandler﹕ Building queries for artist's drop and create.
02-18 10:52:27.311  17578-18356/ I/ConnectionService﹕ TCP socket closed.
02-18 10:52:27.311  17578-18356/ W/dalvikvm﹕ threadid=21: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4179cc80)
02-18 10:52:27.311  17578-18356/ E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[ConnectionService]
    Process:, PID: 17578
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(

That's the entire logcat...

ronasimi commented 10 years ago

Is it possibly just missing android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS?

ronasimi commented 10 years ago


02-18 12:25:31.275  32619-32619/ I/PullToRefreshAttacher﹕ Given null options so using default options.
02-18 12:25:31.295  32619-32619/ W/Resources﹕ Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x4/d=0x3f800000 a=2 r=0x7f0b00b7}
02-18 12:25:31.325  32619-32637/ V/AudioProvider﹕ query(uri=content://, proj=[albums._id, album_id, album_title, album_year, artist_title, album_thumbnail])
02-18 12:25:31.415  32619-32619/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 12:25:31.425  32619-32619/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 12:25:31.425  32619-32619/ I/Adreno200-EGL﹕ <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: Iabe52cfaeae4c5fab1acacfe6f056ba15fa93274
02-18 12:25:31.445  32619-32619/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 12:25:31.445  32619-32619/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 12:25:31.475  32619-32619/ E/Adreno200-GSL﹕ <get_panel_settings:3616>: debug.prerotation.disable set. Disable prerotation
02-18 12:25:31.475  32619-32619/ D/OpenGLRenderer﹕ Enabling debug mode 0
02-18 12:25:31.675  32619-32619/ I/ActivityManager﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41a35db8 time:39038606
02-18 12:25:33.828  32619-32619/ D/HomeActivity﹕ Triggered refresh in 5ms.
02-18 12:25:33.838  32619-32619/ D/SyncService﹕ Starting SyncService...
02-18 12:25:33.838  32619-32619/ D/SyncService﹕ Starting quering...
02-18 12:25:33.898  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Starting and binding service...
02-18 12:25:33.908  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Saving post data for later.
02-18 12:25:33.908  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionService﹕ Connection service bound to new client.
02-18 12:25:33.908    32619-314/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Starting TCP client for
02-18 12:25:33.918    32619-314/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Connected and writer setup.
02-18 12:25:33.918    32619-314/ I/ConnectionService﹕ Connected to TCP socket in 8ms
02-18 12:25:33.918  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Connected to service.
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionManager﹕ Posting pending handled call AudioLibrary.GetArtists...
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Posted handled API call service.
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Registered new client.
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Directly notifying connected status.
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Done!
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Sending new handled API call..
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ Sending data to server.
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ D/ConnectionService﹕ REQUEST: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"6889756319347530076","method":"AudioLibrary.GetArtists"}
02-18 12:25:33.928  32619-32619/ I/ConnectionManager﹕ Got message: 4
02-18 12:25:33.958    32619-314/ I/ConnectionService﹕ READ: {"id":"6889756319347530076","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"limits":{"end":0,"start":...
02-18 12:25:33.958    32619-314/ D/ArtistHandler﹕ Building queries for artist's drop and create.
02-18 12:25:33.958    32619-314/ I/ConnectionService﹕ TCP socket closed.
02-18 12:25:33.958    32619-314/ W/dalvikvm﹕ threadid=14: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4179cc80)
02-18 12:25:33.958    32619-314/ E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[ConnectionService]
    Process:, PID: 32619
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-18 12:25:34.819  32619-32619/ I/PullToRefreshAttacher﹕ PullToRefreshAttacher is destroyed.
02-18 12:25:35.669    32619-314/ I/Process﹕ Sending signal. PID: 32619 SIG: 9
freezy commented 10 years ago

Seems like a weird response from XBMC. Can you please remove .substring(0, 80) from (line 220) and post what XBMC's response is? The file is in the lib. Thanks in advance!

Tolriq commented 10 years ago

"end":0 ;)

The artist value will then either contains empty array or json null value that needs to be tested here

final ArrayNode artists = (ArrayNode)response.get(AbstractCall.RESULT).get(AudioLibrary.GetArtists.RESULT);

Remark valid for all calls you need to check for JSON null before casting or test if really an array.

freezy commented 10 years ago

Good catch, will add a fix. Merci Tolriq!

freezy commented 10 years ago

@ronasimi: Pushed a fix, can you retry?

EDIT: You also need to update the lib (git submodule update).

ronasimi commented 10 years ago

LGTM. Only the movie category opens, no cover art displays and I'm not able to tap on anything. Also, tapping on addons opens the add host wizard. Crashes are gone.

freezy commented 10 years ago

Yep, welcome to development state. :)

Cover art should display, though.