freezy / dmd-extensions

A toolbox for virtual pinball dot matrix displays.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Not able to apply "customized style" #337

Open McNose opened 2 years ago

McNose commented 2 years ago


I am using pinbally as a frontend with ultradmd, flexdmd and the latest version of dmd-extensions on top. Thank you for your hard work. In general dmd-extensions works fine, but I am not able to apply any customized changes in style. An exception might be a few tables like "drakor". There are no issues here however. The menu button is named "Apply changes to drakor". But at the rest of my tables it is just "Apply to """ with no name in it. Even if I add it manually to the Dmddevice.ini nothing is happening.

Is this a known issue?

Changing styles globally works.

Thank you for your help.


freezy commented 2 years ago

What kind of tables don't work? Which source?

McNose commented 2 years ago

I use VPX tables only.

I could not find out why a few seem to work, but the very most are not working.

freezy commented 2 years ago

"very few" and "most" is difficult to debug. Can you be more precise? Which tables are working, and which aren't?

McNose commented 2 years ago

Sure. Sorry for that. I got so many tables, that I just picked some by random. If you wanna know a specific one, let me know, I might have it.

These vpx tables work: Drakor (Taito 1979) --> Apply to drakor Dale Jr (Stern 2007) –-> Apply to dalejr Radical! (Bally 1990) –-> Apply to radcll1 24 (Stern 2009) --> Apply to twenty4150 Back to the Future (Data East 1990) --> Apply to bttfa27 Bad Cats (Williams 1989) --> Apply to bcatsl5 Batman (Data East 1991) --> Apply to btmn106 Batman Dark Knight (Stern 2008) --> Apply to bdk294 Batman 66 (Stern 2016) --> Apply to btmn106

These tables do not work: Aces of Speed (Original 2019) Addams Family (Bally 1992) Baby Pac-Man (Bally 1982) Cavalier (Recel 1979) Cyclops (Game Plan 1985) Daft Punk (Original 2017) Dark Pricess (Original 2021) Eager Beaver (Williams 1965) Half Life (Original 2019) James Bond 007 (Gottlieb 1980) Jurassic Park (Data East 1993) Need for Speed (Original 2018) Rally (Taito 1980)

Please let me know if you need any further information or test.

freezy commented 2 years ago

Okay, thanks, that's what I thought. Basically, ROM tables are working, and original/EM games aren't.

The problem with non-ROM games is that we don't have a game name. It might be possible to provide it through the table script, but in general there's no need, since the game controller doesn't care about it, since there is no game to emulate anyway.

I'm not sure about a solution TBH. Maybe someone at the forums has figured this out.

Note, the same problem exists for games like Pinball FX, but there you can configure your frontend to provide a parameter to dmdext.exe.

McNose commented 2 years ago

I see. My main problem is, that I want to hide the dmd while being in frontend preview mode (not sure how it is named, when the table is not loaded). Unfortunately this is necessary especially for the EM Tables.

Well, Pinbally has the option to use javascript. Not sure if this might help.

McNose commented 2 years ago

I just realized that you used the table "baywatch" as an example in the readme. Baywatch is a table which is not working for me. It is "Apply to"". Any idea about that?

McNose commented 2 years ago

And one more question: Where does dmd-extensions grab the name in case of a rom game? Is it within the table script?


freezy commented 1 year ago

Where does dmd-extensions grab the name in case of a rom game? Is it within the table script?

It's provided through VisualPinMAME.

I'll have a look at Baywatch.