fregante / GhostText

👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).
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GhostText cannot detect or edit TinyMCE content #311

Open BirdyOz opened 1 week ago

BirdyOz commented 1 week ago

Description and repro

Many technologies, including Moodle are adopting TinyMCE as their preferred Rich Text Editor, moving away from other RTE's such as ATTO.

GhostText is unable to detect or interact with content within TinyMCE. My suspicion is twofold:

  1. That the TinyMCE editor loads within an iframe
  2. That the TinyMCE editor itself does not contain a <textarea> element. Rather, it seems to update a hidden textarea field in the parent/lauching doc.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit Basic example | TinyMCE Documentation
  2. Attempt to use GhostText to connect to your preferred IDE (for me, this is SublimeText)

Browser(s) tried


Editor(s) tried


fregante commented 1 week ago

Yes it's not supported. PR welcome to add support for the field

fregante commented 1 week ago

Note that TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG field, which GhostText hasn't supported at this point.

More such fields can be found on this page too:

BirdyOz commented 1 week ago

Hi fregante. Thankyou so much for your prompt reply. I take it from this that GhostText is unlikely to support TinyMCE or other WYSIWYG/RTE editors in the near future.

It might have been a happy accident that it has worked so well with the ATTO editor for so long. I have found GhostText invaluable in my Moodle development. Fortunately, I think I have a year before Moodle fully deprecates the ATTO editor, so I'll have to adjust for (or mourn for) its loss.

Thanks for your amazing product