fregante / GhostText

👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).
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When activating GT creates multiple tabs in all open ST windows. #50

Closed destos closed 8 years ago

destos commented 9 years ago

I've been experiencing this for a while and has hampered my use of GhostText.

Let me know of any steps I can take to get you better debugger output.

Cacodaimon commented 9 years ago

Can you please provide more information like OS, browser, page and application versions?

destos commented 9 years ago


OSX 10.10.3 (14D136), Chrome 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit), This comment box, Latest master on both the sublime and chrome package/extension.

Some behaviors:

When activating GT it asks for me to select the text area on the page as there are multiple. I've expereinced this on all the pages I've attempted to use it on Wiki page editing and in the issues.

Once I click on the text area the multiple tabs are created in sublime.

All the other tabs do not update. The message in the browser "There are multiple text areas on this page. Click the one you want to use." persists after clicking a textarea. It continues to persist after closing the ST tabs.

screen shot 2015-04-30 at 10 01 37 pm .

Cacodaimon commented 9 years ago

I can reproduce this behavior from time to time on with ST Build 3083, I will try fix this the next days.

Are there any other plugins installed in ST or Chrome?

destos commented 9 years ago

I have quite a few sublime packages and chrome extensions. I'll try to list them. Activated chrome extensions: 1Password manager Google Docs Google Sheets Google Slides HTTPS Everywhere LiveReload Octotree React Developer Tools Reddit Enhancement Suite Save to Pocket Spreed The Great Suspender uBlock Origin

For Sublime: "Advanced CSV", "AdvancedNewFile", "Alignment", "All Autocomplete", "AngularJS", "AngularJS (CoffeeScript)", "Arduino-like IDE", "AutoFileName", "Block Cursor Everywhere", "BracketHighlighter", "C++11", "Case Conversion", "Color Highlighter", "ColorPicker", "CSV", "DashDoc", "Djaneiro", "Django Manage Commands", "DjangoNoseTestRunner", "DocBlockr", "Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting", "EditorConfig", "Emmet", "FileDiffs", "FullScreenStatus", "G-code Syntax Highlighting", "Git", "Git Config", "GitGutter", "GitStatus", "Handlebars", "HexViewer", "HTMLBeautify", "Javascript Beautify", "Jinja2", "JSON Reindent", "JSX", "LinkOpener", "Markdown Extended", "Markdown Preview", "MarkdownEditing", "nginx", "Nodejs", "Open Search Result", "Origami", "Package Control", " Image Tag Generator", "PlainNotes", "PostgreSQL Syntax Highlighting", "Pretty JSON", "Python Improved", "Python PEP8 Autoformat", "ReactJS", "ReadmePlease", "requirementstxt", "Restructured Text (RST) Snippets", "RestructuredText Improved", "SaltStack-related syntax highlighting and snippets", "Sass", "ScopeHunter", "SideBarEnhancements", "StringEncode", "Stylus", "sublime-github", "SublimeBlockCursor", "SublimeGit", "SublimeLinter", "SublimeLinter-coffeelint", "SublimeLinter-cpplint", "SublimeLinter-csslint", "SublimeLinter-flake8", "SublimeLinter-jshint", "SublimeLinter-jsxhint", "SublimeLinter-pep257", "SublimePythonIDE", "SublimeREPL", "SublimeXiki", "TrailingSpaces", "URLEncode", "Vagrant", "Vintage Numbers", "Vintage-Origami", "VintageLines", "Web Inspector", "WordCount"

Cacodaimon commented 9 years ago

This are a lot of plugins :) .

The first question is, it this a Mac related bug or does any ST or Chrome plugin causes this behavior?

@bfred-it Can you reproduce this behavior on your Mac?

@destos Can you disable all plugins and check if GT works when all other are disabled? Maybe we can find the reason… .

fregante commented 9 years ago

What's on the Chrome store and Package Manager is the latest version, right? It works fine for me on this page, regardless of window count and new_window_on_connect setting.

To me it sounds like the Chrome extension is loading twice and opening two separate connections.