freifunk-berlin / bbb-configs

Ansible based configuration management openwrt mesh nodes in the city-wide backbone of Freifunk Berlin
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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gateways: ipv4 ping on WAN doesn't work #355

Open pmelange opened 1 year ago

pmelange commented 1 year ago

In-Berlin contacted us that strom-gw is no longer ping-rechable for their monitoring system. The reason is that the firewall does not allow ping on WAN. Should a firewall rule be added to allow ping in the WAN firewall group?

pmelange commented 8 months ago

Is there any chance that ping can be allowed on the uplink interfaces please?

FFHener commented 7 months ago

While researching something else i just came across this rule. It looks like it should resolve this Issue, however i didnt tested it so far. I changed the title as the ping doesnt work on all gateways afaict.

config rule
    option name "Allow-Ping"
    option src uplink
    option proto icmp
    option icmp_type echo-request
    option family ipv4
    option target ACCEPT