freifunk-berlin / firmware

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Sometimes an invalid OpenVPN config file gets generated #554

Closed torte71 closed 5 years ago

torte71 commented 6 years ago

As I didn't find a way to reproduce it yet, I can't tell if this is an upstream problem (quite probable) or not.

Device: RPi3 Firmware: Freifunk Berlin Hedy 1.0.0-alpha-SAm0815 1f0e9de Flavour: tunnel-berlin Setup/noteworthy changes:

Symptom: OpenVPN can't be started, "logread" complains about an incorrect parameter: Mon Apr 30 11:45:27 2018 daemon.err openvpn(ffuplink)[4715]: Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in openvpn-ffuplink.conf:17: cipherproto (2.4.4)

This is the config file, that was autogenerated from /etc/config/openvpn and logread complained about:

root@crossing-gmbh:/etc/config# cat /tmp/etc/openvpn-ffuplink.conf
ca /etc/openvpn/freifunk-ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/freifunk_crossing-gmbh-bln.crt
cipher none
comp-lzo no
dev ffuplink
dev-type tun
keepalive 10 60
key /etc/openvpn/freifunk_crossing-gmbh-bln.key
mssfix 1300
ca /etc/openvpn/freifunk-ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/freifunk_crossing-gmbh-bln.crt
cipherproto none
comp-lzo no
remote 1194
remote 1194
dev ffuplink
remote-cert-tls server
dev-type tun
script-security 2
status /var/log/openvpn-status-ffuplink.log
keepalive 10 60
key /etc/openvpn/freifunk_crossing-gmbh-bln.key
mssfix 1300
proto udp4
remote 1194
remote 1194
remote-cert-tls server
script-security 2
status /var/log/openvpn-status-ffuplink.log
up /lib/freifunk/

This file is a mix of two files. E.g. lines 17+18 read

cipherproto none

but should read

cipher none
proto udp4

The same kind of mix can be seen in lines 29+30


And you can see, that this file is twice as long as in the default case and has almost every setting twice (except client and persist-key).

SvenRoederer commented 6 years ago

I assume you are aware, that you use an outdated and unreleased firmware-version. I assume you are aware, that such "converted" VPN-setups are unsupported.

But your openvpn-file looks like concated multiple times together; probably a race-condition?

torte71 commented 6 years ago

I know that it's outdated. :)

The config file is not simply concated, it is mixed: The stuff got inserted into each other (that's why I mentioned lines 17+18 and 29+30). This looks to me, as if two instances of openvpn got started at once and simultaneously wrote to that config file (or a very strange caching problem). As I don't have any duplicate openvpn config files on that router (backups, etc.), I wonder how this (assumed duplicate openvpn process) should happen.

About the "converted setup": These were three changes. 1. Replaced certificates - it is very unlikely to be the cause. 2. Modified openvpn config - this is now identical to that of the vanilla vpn03 flavor. 3. Replaced openvpn - if this is the cause, then this might be interesting for those, that want to use e.g. the tunnel-berlin flavour together with bbb-vpn.

SvenRoederer commented 6 years ago
pmelange commented 5 years ago

Is this still an issue? Can this be closed?