freifunk-berlin / firmware

DEPRECATED: Build system for Berlin firmware. Please user the pinned falter-repos instead
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WIP: User-friendly documentation for Freifunk Berlin Firmware #809

Closed Akira25 closed 4 years ago

Akira25 commented 4 years ago

WIP: Documentation for Freifunk Berlin

This Merge Request contains a first draft for a user friendly documentation of Freifunk Berlin Firmware. Thus it does not only contain a rather technical section for documenting the firmware component. Instead, it incorporates several sections and might be more like a handbook, than a documentation.

Flash section:

This section is written in German. It represents all steps of setting up a Freifunk router in a rather tutorial-like style. Mostly of its contents were copied from the Freifunk Wiki. In opposite to the wiki, it aims to hold the information in a more dense matter: We can pass the tutorial for setting up a router from the start till all the end by just clicking the "Next"-buttom. Besides minor issues like spelling this section should be fully deployable now.

User section:

This is under construction. The idea is to give a detailed view of the LuCI-Interface and all its end-user-related functions. In this section there might be also tutorial for setting up an extension of the home-wifi on the freifunk router.


Heavily under Construction. General description of building backbone-nodes in Freifunk Berlin style.


This section is meant to hold all stuff related to firmware-development. Thus its written in English. It should have a more detailed description of the Freifunk Berlin buildsystem. I.e. where to change code to incorporate a new package, a general description of the build-process, and so forth.

Akira25 commented 4 years ago


SvenRoederer commented 4 years ago

IMHO we should not add the user documentation into the firmware-build repo. Recently (last year) there was the agreement to do the user-documentation in the Freifunk-wiki. This was agreed on, to have a broader base of people the will keep the pages up to date. Having this in the repo puts additional work on managing the PRs and porting commits across branches.

sarumpaet commented 4 years ago

What Sven says.

We just moved the documentation from the Git repo to the wiki. This was a success: while the documentation in Git had very few contributors and few commits, at least for a while, there were quite a lot of changes to the docs in the wiki by quite a few people.

If there are things missing in the wiki docs, please improve them. Don't start yet another construction site.

Akira25 commented 4 years ago

Okay, I agree on the point, that in the wiki more people can edit the user-docs more seamlessly. I'd like to discuss some approaches to a better firmware-development and buildsystem documentation in this new issue.