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flughafen-core: Redeploy lorawan/ttn gateway #90

Open booo opened 2 weeks ago

booo commented 2 weeks ago

I updated the lorix one lorawan gateway for the things network and we can redeploy it on flughafen core.

We need a spare network port with 24V PoE and static or dynamic IP address. I can do the configuration of the gateway as soon as I know about the IP configuration.

I can drop the gateway in the storage or mount it myself with some help from a comrade.

Priority of this project is medium ;)

Noki commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like the core-router still has some free PoE ports:


@booo Does the Lora Gateway support VLANs?

If it does we can attach it to the core-router, if not we can move an antenna from the Edgeswitch to the core-router and untag the Management VLAN at the Edgeswitch.

Once the question about VLAN support is answered I can prepare the bbb-configs config change and give you the proper IP configuration.

booo commented 2 weeks ago
lorix-one-0de749:~# ip link add link eth0 name bar type vlan id 42
Error: Unknown device type.

As far as I can see it does not support vlans :/ There is no documentation about vlans too:*%27%20AND%20NOT%20title%20~%20%27.*%27%20AND%20space%3DLOS%20AND%20type%3D%27com.k15t.scroll.scroll-platform%3Ascroll-search-proxy-content-type%27%20AND%20scrollVersion%3D%271.6%27%20AND%20scrollVariant%3D%27Wifx%20L1%27%20AND%20NOT%20(label%3D%27scroll-help-center-exclude-page%27)&max=10&scroll-versions%3Aversion-name=latest&scroll-versions%3Avariant-name=wifx-l1

booo commented 2 weeks ago

Gateway in the TTN cloud:

Noki commented 2 weeks ago

I prepared a pull request:

The PR moves the gateway to the management VLAN 42 so it becomes available for configuration from within the Freifunk network. For this to work the following needs to happen:

Lora gateway configuration:

Host: flughafen-lora.olsr IP: Gateway: DNS: NTP: