freifunk-gluon / census-exporter

Scraping communities for census data
MIT License
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Add Graz to census #27

Open mkg20001 opened 1 year ago

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

We've got non-gluon nodes in our hopglass aswell ( You could just ignore those, they don't have any version that matches the gluon pattern.

Also do you prefer meshviewer.json or nodes.json? We've got both.

Note that graz is part of funkfeuer - which has similar goals as freifunk - and is in austria. We're currently giving out neighbours in batman-compatible format.

mweinelt commented 1 year ago

Wondering why the actions aren't running here.

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

I rebased, that didn't fix it either. It's in a different repository, maybe that makes a difference?

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

Actions were disabled on the fork, I enabled them. Still I don't see them being ran.

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

This scheduled workflow is disabled because scheduled workflows are disabled by default in forks.

You may want to make another copy of the workflow that is not scheudled because github appears to handle it stupidly

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

I've got it running in the fork:

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

Hrm so there's no Graz in the output

Our version numbers look like this: gluon-v2021.1-997-g2cfcbe1

Might that be the issue?

mkg20001 commented 1 year ago

Ok so the issue is that one of the nodeid fields is null (something wrong with our data). I made it so the broken value is ignored and exceptions are printed instead of silently ignored.

New CI:

gluon_model_total{community="Graz",model="0x467 00"} 3.0

It adds the non-gluon nodes (this is a boardid from from openwrt 8 - congrats to our age old infrastructure)

We also have:

gluon_model_total{community="Graz",model="Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2"} 1.0

(you know the joke about temporary things. this isn't gluon, this is a random server. with some hacks it's running respondd - offtopic, i could publish a flake with respondd nixpkg + patches for server usage)

maurerle commented 7 months ago

I am in favor of merging this so that the gluon nodes from the ffgraz community are also taken into account

mkg20001 commented 1 week ago

Is there anything left for me to do on this PR?

(The nodes may appear offline until end of month for a bit, because we're moving infrastructure arround)