freifunk-gluon / gluon

a modular framework for creating OpenWrt-based firmwares for wireless mesh nodes
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Nach 'uci set system...hostname...' reicht 'commit system' nicht aus, reboot nötig? #577

Closed KarlaB closed 9 years ago

KarlaB commented 9 years ago

(english description at the bottom)

Aloha rundum,

wenn ich auf einem TL-WR841 v9 mit ffmstable-1.10 / gluon-v2014.2-1011-gc16522b via SSH den hostname ändere,

uci set system.@system[0].hostname='newname' uci commit system

dann dauert es nur kurz und ich kann in der map oder der status page die Änderung sehen.

Mache ich das gleiche auf einem Gerät der gleichen Hardwareversion aber mit ffmdev-3.83 / gluon-jenkins-ffm_gluon-dev-83 (hier allerdings login nicht per passwort sondern per public key), dann ändert sich der hostname erst nach einem uci reboot oder Strom aus/Strom an.

Liegt das an einer der Änderungen im gluon?

Merci und schöne Grüße Nadja

PS: Gleiches scheint für die Änderung der location zu gelten.

Und der Benutzername im SSH-Prompt bleibt bei diesem Beispiel anscheinend bei beiden gluon-Versionen auch bis zum Neustart noch der alte. Aus- und Einloggen allein hilft auch hier nicht ...


Aloha ahiahi,

when changing the hostname on an 841 via SSH with

uci set system.@system[0].hostname='newname' uci commit system

there is a difference between ffmstable-1.10 / gluon-v2014.2-1011-gc16522b and ffmdev-3.83 / gluon-jenkins-ffm_gluon-dev-83

On the first version, the changes are visible in the map or on the status page after a few minutes while the new (dev) version needs a reboot before the changes take effect.

Is the reason in one of the changes to gluon?

Thanks a lot Nadja

neocturne commented 9 years ago

Well, UCI changes only the config files, usually all config changes require restarting the corresponding services or rebooting to take effect.

This particular change is an effect of changing how the announced data is generated. It is now collected in a persistent process (gluon-announced/respondd) with a persistent Lua context, and this persistent UCI context. To make respondd refresh the UCI config, just restart it using /etc/init.d/gluon-announced restart.

KarlaB commented 9 years ago

Thank you, that sounds as if one could avoid to restart the hole device - but in my case there is no such "/etc/init.d/gluon-announced":

root@xyz:/etc/init.d# ls alfred fastd led sysntpd boot firewall log system cron gluon-ebtables micrond telnet dnsmasq gluon-radvd network uhttpd done gluon-wan-dnsmasq sysctl umount dropbear haveged sysfixtime

Did "gluon-announced" get lost by accident or is there another way?

Btw: Could it be possible and helpful to execute /etc/init.d/gluon-announced restart automatically when commit is executed? If not many tutorial should be adapted ...

Thanks again Nadja

neocturne commented 9 years ago

uci commit just writes the config files, nothing more. uci is just a way to store configuration files, there's no magic involved.

Hmm, indeed, I just realized that we don't start announced using a normal init script, but using /etc/hotplug.d/iface/10-gluon-announced... I think something like sh -c 'source /etc/hotplug.d/iface/10-gluon-announced; restart_announced' might work, but I can't test it at the moment. We should probably pull out that command into a new script in the next Gluon release.

KarlaB commented 9 years ago

Great, sh -c 'source /etc/hotplug.d/iface/10-gluon-announced; restart_announced' worked well!

So maybe you want to keep this issue open?

Have a good night Nadja

Little-Ben commented 9 years ago

I had that problem too, with changing the autoupdater branch. at least we have a 'workaround' now. thanks @NeoRaider