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Freifunk Community API
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Add Area GeoJSON Reference field #130

Open mweinelt opened 9 years ago

mweinelt commented 9 years ago

It would be great if we could reference the area we are feeling responsible for via GeoJSON Polygon(s), referenced by an URL.

Use case would be for example to show neighbouring communities on ffmap/meshviewer etc. or provide a "what freifunk community is here?"-service.

leahoswald commented 8 years ago

good idea +1

mojoaxel commented 8 years ago

:-1: I see the big problem, that meta-communities are trying to mark land as their own. This has nothing to do with the freifunk spirit at all! Communities should always be regional and ideally self sufficient. If someone wants to deploy a new node she should talk to existing node-providers near to them and try to mesh with them. This is the only way meta-community should enlarge, in my oppinion.

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leahoswald commented 8 years ago

Nö wieso markieren, man kann die Daten ja einfach aus sowas wie dem Tool hier rausfallen lassen: Dann sind das ja reale Daten.

christian-weiss commented 3 years ago

Der o.g. Link ist nicht mehr gültig. Ich nehme an, dass es um diesen Code hier geht:

Die dort genannte "Example Map" ist "End of Life":

@leahoswald kannst Du noch mal kurz erklären, wie die GeoDaten aus dem Tool "rausfallen"?

@mweinelt what should a GeoJSON shape represent? The "technical domain" (area to mesh with other nodes of the same technical domain)? The "community" (area where a local group of persons, lets say a freifunk community, wants to provide "community feeling" to "new" freifunk users; similar to "neighbourhood help")?

mweinelt commented 3 years ago

@christian-weiss The area in which one can expect to be able to find mesh partners.