freifunkh / ansible

Here we store all Ansible roles and configs used for Freifunk Hannover.
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Update/Refresh Yanic Patches #217

Closed lemoer closed 2 years ago

lemoer commented 2 years ago

Currently in ansible, we pin the version

aff906d734cdff279c7c7cfd17ccc54f70c6c45f (See diff to main here:

and track the following patches within our ansible repo:

lemoer@orange ~/d/ansible (master)> ls -l roles/ffh.yanic/files/patches/
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemoer lemoer   835 Feb 19  2021 0001-FIX-ignore-override-warning.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemoer lemoer  1226 Feb 19  2021 0002-data-add-WireGuard-struct.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemoer lemoer  1277 Feb 19  2021 0003-data-add-WGPeerselector-struct.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemoer lemoer  2722 Mar 25 20:01 0004-add-source-hostname-target-hostname-to-influx-output.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemoer lemoer 10514 Mar 27 22:38 0005-add-output-raw-jsonl.patch

However, we actually neither use the version above nor use any of the patches above. Instead of using the state from ansible, we cloned the main branch at some point and cherry picked on top. So we do not actually pick those branches.

The current state is unclean and would be overridden by rolling ansible. Therfore I'will block the role as of now. (Done in 7c79fdc1e4b56e5710214c4f47cd1ddda21d2d9b)

We should clean this up.

lemoer commented 2 years ago

The following patches can be dropped (they are now part of

We need to add the following patch:

@AiyionPrime What about:

Sidenote: Currently 0001, 0002 and 0003 are not deployed since a couple of months or weeks and it seems nobody complained yet. Is nothing using the data?

AiyionPrime commented 2 years ago

I have a strong feeling, that I did not cherry-pick something on top of the branch. Like you acknowledged this is unfortunate, as the patches we developed are not put to use right now and wireguard-stats are not redistributed correctly.

I personally find that rather frustrating. We've got a proper structure to patch our yanic. Is it really that hard to use it?

0001 is a previously uncommitted change, that we made a patch of, in case it was important, yet nobody knew why. 0002 and 0003 should be used until their respective PR are merged. I did not know of your cherry-pick nor that this cherry-pick was apparently not on top of the patched state. Maybe we can talk about this in mumble in the next days.

I think we had introduced proper yanic data for some of our cli tools. Maybe @1977er can introduce the amount of wireguard pubkeys in yanics output files as a monitoring metric.

AiyionPrime commented 2 years ago

I'll look into updating these patches tomorrow morning.

lemoer commented 2 years ago

After fixing the patch routine within ansible, I could update the patches to the current main branch and pick the influx patch. So this is done.