freitass / todo.txt-vim

Vim plugin for Todo.txt
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Mappings no longer work #35

Closed andymcguinness closed 9 years ago

andymcguinness commented 9 years ago

First off, gotta say I love this plugin. Thanks for it! It's definitely been a great addition to my arsenal!

However, after the last update, mappings no longer seem to be working. Is there something I can test to make sure that it's not just me? It's happening on more than one of my machines.

Thanks, Andy

freitass commented 9 years ago

Hi Andy,

Thank you for the feedback. As it was suggested on issue #28 (and as recommended by vim's documentation), all mapping were changed to use <localleader> instead of <leader>. If you don't have maplocalleader set on your environment then your <localleader> is probably \. For more information on that regard, please check :h <Localleader>.


andymcguinness commented 9 years ago

Ah, that was it, I didn't have that set. Thanks a lot!