freitass / todo.txt-vim

Vim plugin for Todo.txt
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Highlight overdue tasks #44

Closed nikolay-turpitko closed 8 years ago

nikolay-turpitko commented 8 years ago

Currently all dates are highlight using regexp, but it would be cool to highlight overdue dates as Error, for example. Preferably, only dates with "due:" prefix.

victal commented 8 years ago


I don't know much vimscript but judging from what I read in the docs, syntax highlighting works by matching the text with a keyword or pattern.

So I ended up implementing this highlight, but ended up using an external python script to generate the correct regexp for the date, which also means it won't work in a Vim installation without the +python option.

If that's not an issue I can send in a PR with the changes (or since I don't know vimscript that well, if someone knows a better way to do this, please tell!).

freitass commented 8 years ago

@victal I'm not sure it can be done in vimscript without a great complexity involved. The python solution is welcome if the plugin would still work (except for this feature, of course) for users without the +python option.

nikolay-turpitko commented 8 years ago

@victal @freitass Thanks, guys! Works perfectly!