fremag / MemoScope.Net

Dump and analyze .Net applications memory ( a gui for WinDbg and ClrMd )
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[FeatureIdea] Export instance to Json... #217

Open klettier opened 4 years ago

klettier commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to be able to export an instance by right clicking on it and select Export to json

What do you think about it ?

fremag commented 4 years ago


Give some details about this. You mean, in this module, when displaying an instance:


I you select the rows, you can copy the cells values into clipboard, like this:

aFieldWithAbstractType 2DD2CAC MemoDummy.AnAbstractTypeImpl
color 2DD2AF0 System.Drawing.Color
data 2DD2B28 MemoDummy.InternalData
date 12/22/2015 00:00:00 2DD2ADC System.DateTime
dateData 635863392000000000 2DD2AD8 System.UInt64
Desc [*] #4 2DD2B14 System.String
id 4 2DD2AD0 System.Int32
isEven True 2DD2AD4 System.Boolean
myInterface 2DD2C04 MemoDummy.MyInterfaceImpl_V1
someDoubles 2DD2B98 System.Double[]
someInts 2DD2B7C System.Int32[]
[0] 4 2DD2B80 System.Int32
[1] 5 2DD2B84 System.Int32
[2] 6 2DD2B88 System.Int32
[3] 7 2DD2B8C System.Int32
SomeStrings [*] 2DD2B60 System.String[]
[0] 4 2DD2BC4 System.String
[1] 5 2DD2BD4 System.String
[2] 6 2DD2BE4 System.String
[3] 7 2DD2BF4 System.String
structData 2DD2AEC MemoDummy.StructData
time 00:00:04 2DD2AE4 System.TimeSpan
_ticks 40000000 2DD2AE0 System.Int64
value 16 2DD2AAC System.Double

What is your idea: add a button to copy to json format ?