freman / caddy-reauth

Auth your Caddyserver requests against another server
MIT License
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Pull request #8

Closed fellou89 closed 6 years ago

fellou89 commented 6 years ago


I've started to get the project I'm working on ready for production. I have generalized my auth backend so that it can be configured for different use cases. It leverages another caddy module I'm developing, it's mentioned in the README documentation I added.

fellou89 commented 6 years ago

I don't expect this to be merged at the state it's in, I still need to write the full suite of unit tests, and rebase from your master branch; but I thought I should submit a pull request to get your notes and comments on it. Thanks!

freman commented 6 years ago


Looks pretty good, just a couple of comments for you so far (I haven't had time to read it all)

I'm pretty sure you can put your own name in the MIT license of any file you've created yourself, at least that's what a quick google tells me. I can hardly own that code, you wrote it.

Check out, specifically the Indent Error Flow section. Keeping track of the elses and indents makes it a little difficult to follow, I suggest using the third pattern.

Any reason this couldn't be one if with three &&'d parameters? Similar complaint for

lifewindow / cleanwindow - Might be better as lifetime and cleaninterval but I'm not going to fight you on that, just I've not seen that terminology before.

Would you consider using strings.EqualFold for all your checks of f.Validation

It's probably better to skip the ioutil.ReadAll followed by json.Unmarshal - generally a better idea to use a limited body reader and json decoder. For example:

const limit = 1000000 // Some sensible limit that covers the maximum possible size of a real response plus some leeway 

dec := json.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(refreshResp.Body, limit))
var body map[string]interface{}
if err := dec.Decode(&body); err != nil {
    return err

This saves memory, and prevents the service you're calling from spewing out garbage to the point you can't handle it.

IMPORTANT Please close your response body, it's a bit difficult the way it's written but once you refactor with a few less elses you should find it easy to defer refreshResp.Body.Close(). Without this you will be leaking.

When you can you should compile your regular expressions just one time, you can do that by declaring a package level variable. For example:

var reKeyCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(#[[:alnum:]+\-*_*]+#)`)

As it stands replaceInputs only replaces the first #thing# it finds, the following is a simpler example

var reKeyCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`#([-\w]+)#`)
func replaceInputs(value string, inputMap map[string]string) string {
    keyMatch := reKeyCheck.FindStringSubmatch(value)
    if len(keyMatch) == 2 {
        return strings.Replace(value, keyMatch[0], inputMap[keyMatch[1]], -1)
    return value

I suspect you're after something a little more like

var reKeyCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`#([-\w]+)#`)

func replaceInputs(value string, inputMap map[string]string) string {
    keyMatch := reKeyCheck.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1)
    for _, match := range keyMatch {
        value = strings.Replace(value, match[0], inputMap[match[1]], -1)
    return value
fellou89 commented 6 years ago

Most of those have been oversights on my part; I did catch that replace inputs bug in one of my unit tests. I will be updating the pull request with fixes for the above and some more unit tests probably tomorrow. Thanks for taking a look!

freman commented 6 years ago

While you're there.

Is there any particular reason you went with #thing# vs say {thing}, pre existing code or something?

The reason I ask is simple, I intend to support {}, and I'm concerned that ## might accidentally conflict with the # component of a url

fellou89 commented 6 years ago

I picked # because I wanted something that would stand out in a yaml file and not get ignored as part of a string value. I have no preference though, I think your url concern is valid justification to switch. I won't be able to submit the PR today as I had planned, internet went out my place and threw off my schedule.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2018, 7:03 PM Shannon Wynter wrote:

While you're there.

Is there any particular reason you went with #thing# vs say {thing}, pre existing code or something?

The reason I ask is simple, I intend to support {}, and I'm concerned that ## might accidentally conflict with the # component of a url

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fellou89 commented 6 years ago

Are there any other things I need to correct before this can be merged in?

fellou89 commented 6 years ago

I've made the requested changes.

freman commented 6 years ago

Looking good, tests still work? Run go lint over it?

fellou89 commented 6 years ago

Passing gometalinter except for a couple warnings. Tests are updated and working, I've also tested the code on my development and pre-production environments for the project I'm using it in and it looks good to go.

fellou89 commented 6 years ago

Is it good to merge now? :)